Thursday, January 30, 2020
Cold War Essay Example for Free
Cold War Essay The existing tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union proceeded to spike between 1945 and 1950. The disputes between these two countries pressured them to start a war. Of the post World War II goals that contributed to the Cold War, there were a prominent few, including the â€Å"Iron Curtain†, the Truman Doctrine, the Marshall Plan, and NATO. During the Cold War, competition for methods of weaponry skyrocketed. Some of said tactics were Satellite nations, the Space Race, and the buildup of arms. Originally, The United States and the Soviet Union formed a bond simply because of their mutual fear that the Nazis would gain control over Europe. After the war was over, restructuring of Europe commenced. When this began to happen, a power struggle between the Soviet Union and the United States developed. The tension continued to rise, but neither wished to go to war because of the whopping number of lives taken from World War II, therefore, the term â€Å"Cold War†makes sense. Winston Churchill gave his famous â€Å"Iron Curtain†speech on March 5th, 1946, which mainly focussed on changing the world’s view of Stalin and his dictatorship. Citizens were blind to Stalin’s cruel dictatorship, simply because they needed some kind of leader. Churchill stated in his speech that, the â€Å"Iron Curtain†separated West and Eastern Europe. The East European government adopted a communist system and fell under the control of the U.S.S.R. (Doc #1). This created tension, induced by ideology differences. President Truman made up a plan, in which he felt that there should be a policy of the United States to provide financial aid to countries who are trying to avoid domination from other countries. Truman gave $400 million in aid to Turkey and Greece (Doc. #2). This heightened pressure between the U.S. And other countries because of how strong the U.S. obviously was, compared to any other country. This was also a threat to other countries. Marshall, secretary of State, stated that the vast amount of political, economical, and social damage Europe were going through would not only effect the continent itself, but the world as a whole. He stated that this was a major concern, and the U.S. should do everything in its power to fix this torn continent. He stated that without the assistance, there would be ongoing hunger and poverty (Doc. #3). Marshall gave $13 billion to Europe to aid the damage. The Truman Doctrine, and the marshall Plan, were both attempts to maintain successful political, economical, and social stability throughout the world to prevent the post war downfall from occurring once again. Joseph Stalin, dictator of the Soviet Union, captured Berlin. This upset many countries and so, NATO was born. They believed that an attack on one country was an attack on them all. The arms race occurred as a result because the countries stated that armed forces would be used if necessary to protect a country who had to undergo an armed attack.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
The Roman Republic Essay -- History, Republican Government, Politics
The Roman Republic began approximately around 509 B.C. when the nobles drove the King and his family out of Rome. This monumental incident helped shape the start to the transformation of the monarchy into a republican governmental system. This is known to have begun by that of the Roman nobles trying to hold their power that they had gained. The Republic was â€Å"[a] city-state [which] was the foundation of Greek society in the Hellenic Age; in the Hellenistic Age, Greek cities became subordinate to kingdoms, larder political units ruled by autocratic monarchs†(Perry 105) This new Republican government, which was administered by the consuls, was not the easiest to transform. Because of the expansion in Italy, the government began to initiate political institutions. These institutions enforced laws and provided authority which were very similar to imperium. â€Å"The Romans had a clear concept of executive authority, embodied in their word imperium, or â€Å"the right to command†(Spielvogel 117). Since the Romans were very sensible in their actions, they made and implemented them only as needed. The most essential positions held were the few elected magistrates and the two consuls who were â€Å"chosen annually, administered the government and led the Roman army into battle†(Spielvogel 117). If the consul was otherwise occupied, either a dictator or praetor would assume responsibility for the time being. Due to the constraint of the plebeians, the council of decemviri â€Å"was created with the task of regularizing and publishing the laws†(Spielvogel 118). The outcome of this was the creation of the Twelve Tables, published around 450 B.C. which only â€Å"led to further agitation from the plebeians†(Spielvogel 118). The benefits of this were t... ...uing the belief in various gods and goddesses. After the expansion of Rome they started developing other forms of deities based on Greek culture, basically meaning â€Å"Greco-Roman†religion. Although many religious cults that were connected to Rome including Greece were often accepted, many were banished. Families were the basis of Roman society while the dominant males-paterfamilias, â€Å"held absolute authority over his children†(Spielvogel 129) and others in his household . Roman citizens were classified with three names to differentiate them from other families, but women were usually only known by one. â€Å"Females shall remain in guardianship even when they have attained their majority†, (Spielvogel 119) upper-class women were never granted true freedom, but they started making breakthroughs and found ways around the â€Å"guardianship†of the males in their households.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Interventions for Sexual Issues and Dysfunctions Essay
Interventions for Sexual Issues and Dysfunctions LaShawnda Ogle Walden University The Wilson’s are currently experiencing some sexual dysfunctions, a condition that can cause a lot of distress during intercourse (Hecker & Wetchler, 2010). In the case study Mrs. Wilson has been diagnosed with having Vaginismus. Vaginismus is known for causing some severe pain and as a result causes the female to avoid sexual activity (p. 377). It’s formally defined as the involuntary spastic contraction of the outer one-third of the vagina. There can be treatment techniques. The two sexual therapy interventions I would suggest for the Wilson’s are Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and a medically treated approach using a vaginal dilator. The one intervention method suggested for Mrs. Wilson would be that of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. According to Hecker & Wetchler, (2010), women with vaginismus can show fear and have some anxiety with the thought of penetration. In order to help decrease those fears and anxieties CBT may help Mrs. Wilson’s sexual satisfaction increase as well as her over all well-being: addressing not only the physical pain or discomfort of sex but also the psychological aspects. For example: there are cognitive strategies such as: sexual exercises and relaxation techniques that can be applied with CBT in order to help relieve the pain associated with vaginismus (Hecker & Wetchler, 2010). CBT can also offer some coping skills along with restructuring a person’s way of thinking. Another intervention treatment method for sexual disorders such as that of Mrs. Wilson is more of a medically treated approach. Hecker & Wetchler, (2010) suggest a vaginal dilator as being a useful technique for modifying a conditioned response. Vaginal dilators are used to teach control of circumvaginal muscles (p. 377). In order to use these dilators they are generally supplied to people from a doctor’s office with or without the presence of the person’s partner. The private space offers the opportunity to help decrease the fear and anxiety with sex so that penetration can occur. The similarities of both CBT therapy and the medically treated approach using a vaginal dilator are that they both focus on calming the painful symptoms associated with sexual discourse in females. Another similarity with the two interventions is that they both offer suggestions in how to cope and deal with the shame and/or guilt associated with sexual dysfunctions. The only differences are the methods used to intervene. CBT focuses more on the cognition of dealing with negative thoughts that often occur with sexual disorders. The vaginal dilators focus on ways to relieve the stress without the conditioned fear response (p. 377). A challenge with using CBT therapy and vaginal dilators is that it encourages having both partners actively involved (Hecker & Wetchler, 2010). Sexual intercourse and dysfunctions can be a touchy subject that does not resolve itself without partner interaction, so getting both partners together could be somewhat of a challenge. In order to know whether or not a treatment intervention is working, both Mr. and Mrs. Wilson need to report the improvements in the symptoms of Mrs. Wilson. I would also like to know from both partners if increased enjoyment has occurred after treatment, in order to know whether or not my treatment interventions were working. Nonetheless, getting both partners together to discuss a sexual dysfunction is something I see as a challenge. References Hecker, L. , L. , & Wetchler, J. L. , eds. (2003). An Introduction to Marriage and Family Therapy (1st ed. ). Binghamton, NY: The Haworth Clinical Practice Press.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Analysis Of Two Investment Strategies, One Conservative...
1.0 Introduction In this report it will discuss and outline two investment strategies, one conservative and one aggressive. It will also evaluate her superannuation and the importance of super for young people and it will also recommendation to help the client meet her finical goals for the future. 2.0 Investment After reviewing Melissa Bennet’s client profile, numerous financial indicators may be observed which are relevant when considering investment options. Firstly, Bennet receives a consistent wage, proving she is not a risk to loaning institutions and that she can make accurate predictions regarding her future investments. This signifies a level of financial stability rarely obtained by a 24 year old. Additionally, the bequeathment†¦show more content†¦When investing in a term deposit, the individual must invest a minimum of $5000. This sum of money can be kept in a term deposit for as little as 1 month or as long as 5 years. A term deposit has a low rate of risk, so the invested money is guaranteed to earn interest over a period of time. However, since it is a fixed rate, investment returns are likely to be minimal. This negative is counterbalanced by the absolute security of this investment contract. Returns will be comparable to those from non-fixed rates depending on the economic environment. Additionally, this investment is a suitable option for young people as it allows them to redraw the money after the maturity date. With the expenses that typically arise when starting a home or family, it is likely that the ability to access this fund after the investment has ceased would provide a major financial benefit. This money cannot be accessed throughout the investment period, ensuring that the sum cannot be spent. Interest on a term deposit is compounded every 4 weeks, 6 months or yearly, depending on the preference of the individual. The individual must also decide on a plan for interest returns, which can either be deposited into a personal bank account or added to the rem deposit sum. This latter option is financially preferable, as the larger the funds in the deposit, the greater the interest returns. 2.3 Aggressive Option - SharesShow MoreRelatedScott Equipment Organization Paper1370 Words  | 6 Pagesuse debt consolidation financing. By having a wide range of financing options available, a company is able to get their business up and running faster. This paper will examine three options of financing for Scott Equipment. The aggressive, moderate, and conservative financing options will be calculated and compared in order to determine the best option for Scott Equipment. 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