Wednesday, October 30, 2019
USA nursing school curriculum Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
USA nursing school curriculum - Research Paper Example The paper tells that nursing education and hence the curriculum of courses providing the courses on nursing have been found to have modified to great extents over the years. In the present times, the courses for nursing education include advanced techniques and measures with purposes of better preparation. Nurses in collaboration with other health officials are now found taking part in this mission. In the United States, the nursing education in different institutions, colleges or universities are accompanied through several opportunities related to the nursing profession. For example, special lectures arranged by leaders in the field of nursing are provided for the nursing students. Also, different associations related to the nursing and health care take part in the educational programs thus enhancing the effects of the courses. US present a picture of advancement and development in the field of nursing education and provide the international students with indefinite opportunities a nd facilities. While students from the home country as well as from abroad come together in the learning process, there is always a mutual learning that occurs between the students. For the particular study, the nursing curriculum of the University of South Carolina has been considered. The College of Nursing in South Carolina under the University of South Carolina follows a nursing curriculum that provides interested candidates with several courses including the Bachelor of Science in Nursing, the Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing Science, Doctor of Nursing Practice, and the Master of Science in Nursing degrees. ... ng (BSN Program Information, n.d.), the Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing Science, Doctor of Nursing Practice, and the Master of Science in Nursing degrees (Graduate Program Information, n.d.). The BSN program as provided by the university is a four-year undergraduate program that combines the studies of the professional course and the knowledge of liberal arts. In it the general knowledge associated with english, chemistry, statistics, biology, psychology, sociology and other elective papers are included. Students completing the undergraduate program are eligible to take the licensure examination that is National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN). On clearing this examination, the nursing candidate can initiate her career in the profession of nursing (BSN Program Information, n.d.). Masters and Dual Masters courses are also offered under the nursing curriculum in the South Carolina College of Nursing. The Doctorate course combines nine courses related to t he development of nursing theory, research and statistics (Graduate Program Information, n.d.). The Nursing Curriculum in USC and Its Success: Assessment and Analysis: Considering the needs and demands of the nursing candidates, and their growing interests in the field, it can be realized that the Bachelor of Science in Nursing proves to be an efficient course successfully preparing students to be able to perform in health organizations. In general the BSN program takes around four years to complete (Nursing, 2012). The college of Nursing under the South Carolina University was incepted in the year 1940 and accredited in 1957. Studies reveal that since then more than 6000 nursing students have completed their nursing courses from the university and started their career in the nursing
Monday, October 28, 2019
Major medical condition Essay Example for Free
Major medical condition Essay Virtual communities are a good example of how social exploration is impacted by ICT (and impacts) human interaction. A virtual community is an Internet-based medium where persons can ‘post’ thoughts, ideas, and opinions they would like to share with others. People experience a connection and social interaction through the virtual management of information in a digital medium. The virtual community allows information to be gain an open diversity that promotes the broadening of â€Å"horizons in terms of connecting with people of different backgrounds†(Ward p 101 1999). Citizens of the virtual community are not geographically secluded to their local culture, and therefore the management of information across the virtual community â€Å"seems to add to the interest and depth of the community†(Ward p 101 1999). ICT convergence allows for the Internet to be used for communication in multiple manners. The Internet is the medium where internet telephony, phone text message or SMS, online chat or IM, email, podcast, blog, and so forth take place. There is not another medium for transfer of digital information, but there are multiple and convergent methods (cell phone, computer, PDA) to utilize in the transfer. Internet telephony is one example of ICT convergence that has changes the manner in which society communicates. This refers to technology that enables routing of voice conversations over the Internet or any other IP network. The voice data flows over a general-purpose packet-switched network, instead of the traditional dedicated, circuit-switched voice transmission lines. The home computer or mobile laptop can function as a home based telephone, which allows for multiple social connections to be made. Phone text messages, instant messages, online chat and Short Message Service (SMS) are computer programs that enable two-way typing to connect users to each other. Available on digital networks these allow text messages of written characters to be sent and received via the network message centre to the mobile phone, or from the Internet. If the digital device is powered off or out of range, messages are stored in the network and are delivered at later. This increases the opportunity of social connectivity to overcome the concern of time and place, as messages can now be written and received instantly rather than left on a traditional answering machine, and accessed instantly or at a later time. Society places a profound monetary value on information communication technology. People pay for cellular phone access and satellite television. People purchase subscriptions to access the Internet for the ability to make medical, financial, housing, and even education decisions via digital communication. In 2005, 21 million Americans used the Internet to gain career education (Horrigan and Rainie p 4 2006). 17 million Americans used the Internet to help another person with a major medical condition, where 7 million used the Internet to help themselves deal with a major medical condition (Horrigan and Rainie p 4 2006). Another 17 million used the Internet to choose a college, where 16 million Americans used the Internet to purchase a car, and to make a major financial investment (Horrigan and Rainie p 4 2006). 10 million Americans used the Internet to find housing, and 8 million used the Internet to change jobs (Horrigan and Rainie p 4 2006). Podcasts are a form of digital broadcasting that allows the user to publish audio and video files to the Internet for users to download at anytime. This increases the ability to access media related information. A blog and email are written information that is sent instantly to a destination web site, forum, or individual person. Email is mail or text composed and transmitted on a computer network. A blog is basically a web-based journal that are typically updated daily using software that allows people with little or no technical background to update and maintain the blog in much the same manner as email, simply by typing the message and pressing send. Another significant example of using information communication technology to achieve a desired goal is the blogging community. Blogging is the act of creating and sharing a blog. A blog is written communication published on the Internet. Blogging has changed the manner in which writers achieve their publishing goals of sharing personal information and stories (Lenhart and Fox p 2 2006). There are about 12 million bloggers in America (persons who maintain a blog). 54% of bloggers â€Å"say they have never published their writing or media creations anywhere else†(Lenhart and Fox p 2 2006). Statistically speaking, that is six million Americans who have utilized a blog by managing information to reach desired writing and publishing goals.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Siddhartha :: essays research papers
Religion plays a large part in everyone’s life. In Herman Hesse’s epic story Siddhartha the aspect of religion is taken apart and looked at from nearly every possible angle. There are many key concepts revolving around the main theme of religion, but three which seem to me to be the most important and powerful are the ideas of control of self and soul; that knowledge can be communicated, but not wisdom; and the closely related ideas that time is not real and The Oneness of All Experience. In Siddhartha the idea of Control of Self and Soul is very important, not only to religion but in the gaining of knowledge and wisdom. Once a woman tempts Siddhartha to make love with her, but he hardens his soul and moves on. Shortly thereafter he finds the courtesan Kamala who captivates him and with whom he later learns the art of love. He is then glad that he resisted temptation. Siddhartha becomes rich so that he may experience all of life, and when he becomes nauseous with the pointlessness of his wealthy life and tries to commit suicide, he stops himself and thinks about what he is doing. He soon realizes the folly of his action and starts his life anew. Siddhartha believes that anything can be overcome if one will control himself. he expresses this to Kamala one day, saying; "Nothing is caused by demons; there are no demons. Everyone can perform magic, everyone can reach his goal, if he can think, wait and fast." I agree with Siddhartha’s thinking. All pr oblems can be solved, you just have to know how to do it. The second concept in Siddhartha is the idea that knowledge can be communicated, but not wisdom. Siddhartha believes this very strongly, and feels it is only right that one must gain wisdom for himself. When he and Govinda come to the garden of the Buddha and listen to Gotoma’s words, Govinda is immediately converted and stays. Siddhartha, however, does not. He respects Gotoma and believes that he has actually reached Nirvana, but Siddhartha does not believe that Gotoma can teach him to reach it. Later Siddhartha finds himself at a river, having run away from his riches. Here he sees another wise man, Vasudeva, the ferryman. He stays at the river and learns wisdom for himself. Siddhartha learns of the wonders of life, and that what he had always held to be true was true; that wisdom is not teachable.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Different Cultures Learning Styles Essay
The word culture has been derived from the Latin word â€Å"cultura†which means to cultivate (Online Etymology Dictionary, 2009). Generally it refers to the manners, norms, values, knowledge, attitudes, art, habits and behavioral practices that are preferred and chosen as ideal by majority of the people of the society. With the encroachment and progress in the hi-tech world of today, different cultures across the globe have rapidly undergone the process of acculturation. Thus, learning of diverse cultures around the globe is not a big issue. There are various styles by which one can easily get versed with the multitude of cultures. Some of the styles are as follows. Worldly classroom set up If we have a look at different traditional classrooms of different countries, as well as different classrooms in various cities within one country; we will witness that a number of similarities and differences exist. There are some common factors like discipline, teaching atmosphere, syllabus, curriculum, learning, traditional teaching tools and classroom sitting style; that are common to all classrooms in any part of the world. The difference comes in the degree of effectiveness in teaching, learning, resource input, extra facilities like heating and cooling system, comfortable sitting arrangements and provision of latest technology etc. These factors definitely contribute to creating differences in the scale of learning among the students. Traditional Classrooms around the world Another very popular and effective style of learning culture is the traditional classrooms around the world. Traditional classroom tends to favor cultural learning to its fullest. It is one of the best places where students can interact for a long duration and learn different regional cultural aspects with the passage of time. Interaction of young students with their fellow age group students and teacher with the students definitely promotes broadening of cultural patterns. These written and unwritten rules, which we call culture, consciously or unconsciously, affect people around us. Students at an early young age being quick observers and imitators are swift in picking, absorbing and following various cultural traits and values. Thus, classroom either at primary, secondary or higher level plays a vital role in learning one’s own as well as other cultures prevailing around us. Today’s American culture verses others If we look into different cultures prevailing across the globe, we see impressions of American culture on rest of the world; reason being advanced technological development. America has played a vital role in diffusing its cultural traits to other cultures. Whether it is progressivism, technology, living patterns, habits, music, entertainment and even mind sets of the people; American influence is clearly visible. Nevertheless, many of the traditional and deeply embedded cultures like Islamic, Chinese, Japanese, Indian and Greek cultures still are maintaining their identity, and have truly preserved their norms and values to a great extent. CUSTOMS AND COURTEOUS Taboo of learning in world cultures Every culture in every society observes certain taboos and manners. There are certain issues and topics that are considered forbidden in some cultures like restrictions on sexual activities and relationships, restriction on various diets, incest taboos, exposure of body parts, social-economic class, medical disorders and diseases, alcoholism, depression and divorce. Taboos vary from culture to culture; a taboo in one culture might not be a taboo in another. These taboos are learnt via culture and transmitted to generations. Adapting in different societies Adaptation level of culture and manners varies from society to society. There are various factors like education, technological advancements, public awareness, and values among the old generation that play their role in the adaptation of the culture. Researches have shown that technological advance societies have greater tendency to accept change and modifications as compared to the traditional backward societies (Whitehead, 2005). Learning styles in different communities Learning styles also vary from society to society. For example some societies are seen under great influence of electronic media like TV, radio, and internet. Where as some get inspiration from print material, poetry, literature, newspapers, and classrooms. In illiterate societies people have their leaders, teachers, religious scholars, parents and grandparents as a source of learning. TECHNOLOGY IN THE CLASS ROOM The progress of classroom learning Importance of the traditional classroom learning can never be ignored in any society, thus with the advancement in technology, teaching as well as learning has now become a trouble-free chore. Gone are the days when teachers just used to use simple black board for communication. Progress in the classroom learning can easily witnessed with the use of tools like multimedia, overhead projector, computer, audio and video tapes etc (Integrated Publishing). Many Audio Visual aids are available to teachers so they can perform their job quite comfortably. Making use of virtual class rooms has facilitated the teachers in loads. It saves a lot resources and time when the instructor and learner communicate from their locations. It further promotes distant learning, and makes the learning process enjoyable and reasonably priced (Integrated Publishing). Degrees pertaining to technology A lot of degrees that are related to technology are being offered these days. Computer science, instructional technology degree, technology in distance education, diplomas in virtual education, teleconferencing courses etc are definitely rewarding degrees in today’s modern day. Well advanced students with technologies today The amalgamation of Internet with the latest technological aids has played a vital role in enhancing the learning process among the students. Utilization of technology has no doubt drastically brought several changes in the learning of the individuals. Teleconferencing, virtual universities, online degrees and distance learning have very well equipped the students with latest tools and techniques (Conner, 2006). Moreover it provided the students with an opportunity to interact with a number of qualified teachers and students from within their homes. Several chat rooms, discussion forums are available in order to facilitate the students in broadening their views and thinking. We can safely say that well advanced students are equipped with latest technology today (Conner, 2006). POST SECONDARY LEARNING AROUND THE GLOBE Education in America Generally it is believed that education in America provides chances and corridors to achievement. Post secondary educational learning in American society carries great value and importance, as it contributes to the social, economic, cultural, political, mental and visual development of the nation. It therefore focuses on the expansion of critical thinking, promotion of exploration and research, problem solving, developing insight, adopting skills and proficiency among the youth. So that nation could be gifted with highly professional, mobile, innovative and productive individuals at higher levels. Education in Japan If we look into the post secondary educational learning in Japan, we observe that the aims and objectives prevailing are not much different from those prevailing in America. Both being highly advanced and developed countries, more or less focus on similar learning methods. Impacts of European methods of learning are also visible. However, along with similarities, Japanese educational learning system does have some uniqueness as well, like the Special course schools are similar to non-university education in US. Education in Australia An influx of migrants from more than 100 countries, Australia is basically a British-European society. In earlier times post secondary education meant university education. Main aim behind the post secondary education is the development of mental power (intellect), university should be the center of professional training of students. Along with this, in order to cope with the latest trends it is indispensable to inculcate in students such abilities that will help them to become experts in a specific field of study, put out their best and add to the relevant work in their field. It too has influences of British and American educational learning on it. Conclusion In today’s society, there are a multitude of different cultures. In this paper you will learn about the different types of learning styles around the world. You will also be able to understand the different how technology has greatly improved learning and how different regions of the world have different technologies used for learning. References Conner, M. L. (2006). Introduction to a e-Learning Culture. Retrieved July 22, 2009, from Ageless Learner: http://agelesslearner. com/intros/elc. html Integrated Publishing. (n. d. ). THE SELECTION AND USE OF AUDIOVISUAL (AV) AIDS. Retrieved July 22, 2009, from Integrated Publishing: http://www. tpub. com/content/religion/14229/css/14229_324. htm National Governor’s Association. (2007). Innovation America. A compact for Postsecondary Education . National Governor’s Association. Online Etymology Dictionary. (2009). Retrieved July 22, 2009, from Online Etymology Dictionary: http://www. etymonline. com/index. php? search=culture&searchmode=none Whitehead, B. (2005, Oct 24). Educational technology allows for flexibility in learning and teaching. Retrieved July 22, 2009, from web-conferencing-zone. com: http://www. web-conferencing-zone. com/4030-educational-technology. htm
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Mona lisa
Leonardo dad Vinci was born on April 15, 1452 in Vinci, Italy. Born out of wedlock, the love child of a respected notary and a young peasant woman, he was raised by his father, Seer Piper, and his stepmothers. At the age of 14, dad Vinci began apprenticing with the artist Veronica. For six years, he learned a wide breadth of technical skills, including metalworking, leather arts, carpentry, drawing and sculpting. By the age of 20, he had qualified as a master artist in the Guild of Saint Luke and established his won workshop.Many doesn't know, Florentine court records show that dad Vinci was charged with and acquitted of sodomy's at the age of 22, and for two years, his whereabouts went entirely undocumented. In 1482, Leonardo left Florence for Milan, where he became official artist to Ladylove Sports, duke of the city. Leonardo undertook many projects in that time period. Leonardo remained with Sports until the latter's fall from power in 1499, after which he returned to Florence. S ketches and written records indicate that Leonardo worked as a sculptor, but no examples minded.Only about a dozen of paintings can be definitely attributed to him, and several are left unfinished. There are hundreds of drawings and thousands of pages from his notebook that testify to the man being an extraordinary genius. He was many things, writer, mathematician, inventor, and artist. Leonardo dad Vinci was a leading artist and intellectual of the Italian Renaissance who's known for his enduring works â€Å"The Last Supper†and â€Å"Mona Lisa. †The Mona Lisa is perhaps Leonardo Dad Vine's most famous of paintings. It is an oil painting, painted on poplar DOD.The painting is most famous for the smile of the woman, which people have been trying to decipher for a long time. Many believe that the portrait is that of Dad Vinci himself, while many also place a lot mystic connections with this painting. The portrait depicts a woman's bust, with a distant landscape that is visible in the backdrop. Leonardo used a pyramid design to install the woman in a simple and calm manner within the painting. The woman is shown with her hands folded, with her breast, neck, and face painted the same color as her hands.The light is diffused so that the various curves and geometrical shapes on the painting are made visible through it. Perhaps the most interesting thing about the painting is the woman's smile. Many believe that it is innocent and inviting; while others believe it is that of smugness and is a smirk. Many scientific studies have been undertaken to determine the exact nature of the smile and the real reason remains a mystery. It is believed that every person sees the smile differently because of the changes in the lighting hat Leonardo presented.The woman is shown seated in an open area, and behind her is a vast landscape, which recedes to an icy mountain. Some winding paths and a faraway bridge is also perceptible in the background. The painting is an amazing one and one should definitely take a look at it in order to appreciate its full beauty. The painting is currently on display at the Muse du Louvre, in Paris. The Mona Lisa by Leonardo dad Vinci contains many elements and principles of art in its beautiful and â€Å"ideal†portrait.This piece of art was completed in 1519 and is the prototype of the Renaissance portrait. There are many forms of elements in this piece such as line, color, texture, shape, and value. There are also some principles of art; emphasis, digital movement, harmony and balance. Leonardo dad Vinci uses all of these elements and principles in The Mona Lisa which make it such an important contribution to the world of art. Leonardo dad Vinci has shown us many forms of elements in this famous piece such as line, color, texture, shape, and value.There is the element line used in this piece of art to show implied outlines. These are found on The Mona Alias's hands which creates a texture. Another element is color. Although the colors are dull, red, yellow, and blue are used throughout the piece to add color, and balance. It looks like Leonardo dad Vinci the colors to blend from red to yellow, and finally blue in the background. Texture is the degree of roughness and smoothness in an object and is shown in the Mona Lisa through her clothing. Bibliography: Living With Art 10th edition Mark Getting pig. 143 Mona Lisa I have chosen the Mona Lisa to analyze. The portrait of Mona Lisa is also known as La Giaconda, she was the wife of Francesco del Giaconda. This painting was done in oil paints on poplar wood by Leonardo ad Vinci from the year 1503 to 1506. The dimensions of this painting are 76. 2 x 53. 3 CM. The painting is now in the Muse du Louvre in Paris. The Mona Lisa is a painting of a woman, dressed in a dark green dress with her hands overlapping. The background of the painting is a mountainous landscape.The whole painting is a remarkable example of Leonardo suffuse technique of painting. Suffuse is the blurred outline and mellowed colors that allow one form to merge with another and always leave something to our imagination. This is a technique that only Leonardo perfected. Other famous painters such as Van Eyes, Antenna, and Poetical tried, but were unsuccessful in duplicating Leonardo technique. The Mona Lisa has been analyzed over and over by many intelligent people who have theories ab out the painting, and TTS mysterious appearance.It is the expression on the face of the Mona Lisa that seems to be attractive yet distant; these qualities have given the portrait universal fame. Leonardo deliberately used suffuse technique in the corners of the mouth and around the eyes leaving them indistinct by letting them merge into a soft shadow. What strikes us first about the Mona Lisa is the amazing degree to which she looks alive. She really seems to look at us and to have a mind of her own.Like a living Ewing, she seems to change before our eyes and to look a little different each time she is viewed. This is one of the reasons that the Mona Lisa is greatly admired, and is copied all over the world. If we look carefully at the Mona Lisa we will see that the two sides do not quite match. This is most obvious in the landscape in the background. The horizon on the left side seems to lie much lower that the one on the right. When we look at the left side of the woman she appear s to be taller than if we look at the right side.Her face seems to change depending which side we are focusing on, because even here the two sides do not match. Many years ago people looked at portraits with wonder, because they had thought that in preserving the likeness the artist could preserve the soul of the person. In my opinion the Mona Lisa was a turning point in the art of expression, because of suffuse technique of Leonardo do Vinci. Today the Mona Lisa is still one of the most beautiful, and mysterious works of art, as it is still being analyzed to this day. Mona Lisa By Stretches Mona Lisa The Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci is the most famous painting in the world. In fact, it is the most popular work of art in history. Millions of people have visited the Louvre to view it. Though it has been created in the 16th century, it has continued to be controversial at present. This research paper aims to discuss the history of the painting, and the recent developments around it. It is believed that Leonardo da Vinci began painting the Mona Lisa in 1503 (â€Å"History†). The painting was finished four years after (â€Å"History†). It was said that the painting was purchased by King Francois of France in 1516 for 4,000 coins of gold (â€Å"History†; Blake). Francois I invited Leonardo to France â€Å"to work at Clos Lucà ©,†and the latter died after three years (Wallis 226; Blake). The painting was eventually included in the monarch's art collection, and was placed in the royal bathroom (Wallis 226). There had been speculation that the painting was reduced after Leonardo's death, and that it originally had two columns on the sides (â€Å"History†). However, art experts refute this claim. During the French Revolution, it was said that Napoleon had placed the painting in his bedroom in Tuileries Palace (Blake). Soon after, it was returned to the Lourve. The Mona Lisa was temporarily hidden in a location in France in the duration of the Franco-Prussian War and World War II (Blake). In 1963, the painting was brought to Washington, and was insured for $100 million dollars (Wallis 226). At present, the painting can still be found in the museum, and is currently a property of the French government. The painting also has a duplicate, which can be found in Dulwich Picture Gallery (â€Å"History†). In 1911, the Mona Lisa was stolen from the Louvre (Rosenberg 1). The exact date of the theft was August 21st, but it was only the day after when the authorities noticed that the painting was missing (Rosenberg 1). It was a painter who first discovered that the Mona Lisa was missing. The painting was hung on Salon Carrà © of the Lourve and could be found between two other paintings: â€Å"The Mystic Marriage of Saint Catherine†by Correggio and â€Å"The Allegory of Alfonso d'Avalos†by Titian (Rosenberg 1). On August 22nd, Louis Bà ©roud only found iron pegs on the wall; the painting was missing (Rosenberg 1). On September 7th that same year, French poet Guillaume Apollinaire was arrested (Rosenberg 2). He was considered a suspect simply because he was a friend of a known artifact thief named Gà ©ry Pià ©ret (Rosenberg 2). He was released five days later. Even world-famous painter Pablo Picasso was considered a suspect (Blake). Two years had passed before there was any development regarding the theft (Rosenberg 2). In 1913, an antique dealer named Alfredo Geri placed an ad in the newspaper, stating that he was interested in purchasing art pieces (Rosenberg 3). The thief responded to the ad and introduced himself as Leonardo Vincenzo, and he told Geri he had the Mona Lisa (Rosenberg 3).  Leonardo Vincenzo is actually Vincenzo Peruggia, a former Lourve employee (Rosenberg 3). He worked in the museum in 1908, but he was still recognized by the museum's security at the time of the theft. He took the painting from the salon, proceeded to the staircase and detached the painting from its frame. He hid the Mona Lisa under his smock, and left the museum unnoticed (Rosenberg 3). The Mona Lisa is an oil painting that measures at only 31 x 21 inches (Blake). The painting is placed on a â€Å"poplar wooden panel†(Blake). Leonardo used the sfumato method in painting the Mona Lisa (Blake). In Italian, the term â€Å"sfumato†is â€Å"blended†; the word was derived from â€Å"fumo,†which means â€Å"smoke†(Blake). The Mona Lisa is a painting of a seated woman clothed in Florentine dress, against the backdrop of mountains (Blake). It is the woman's smile and gaze that have created much buzz around the painting. The woman was said to be smiling because â€Å"the corners of her mouth was lifted†(Sebe qtd. in Campbell 51). As for her gaze, when the viewer looks unto her eyes, it seems like the woman in the painting is following the viewer's gaze (â€Å"History†). However, if there was one thing that brought much controversy to the painting, it would be the woman's identity. The painting is also referred to as â€Å"La Gioconda†(Blake). â€Å"Gioconda†in Italian means â€Å"light-hearted woman†(Blake). The identity of the woman in the painting had been debated upon for centuries, and several speculations have arisen. According to Maike Vogt-Là ¼erssen, Isabella of Aragon is the woman in the painting (Blake). This is because her green dress has a pattern that implies membership in the â€Å"house of Visconti-Sforza†(Blake).  Vogt-Là ¼erssen also saw a likeness between the pictures of Isabella and the woman on the painting. On the other hand, Dr. Lilian Schwartz hints that the woman in the painting may not actually be a woman; rather, it may be Leonardo himself (Blake). This conclusion was derived from a digital analysis of the painting and Leonardo's portrait, which was found to have been painted in a similar style. It was only until recently that the identity of the woman in the painting was revealed. In January 2008, Heidelberg University academics have proven that the woman in the painting was Lisa Gherardini del Giocondo (Lorenzi 1). The proof was found on the margins of a book, and derived from notes by Agostino Vespucci in October 1503 (Lorenzi 1). Vespucci was a friend of Leonardo; in his notes, he stated that Leonardo was working on several paintings, which included that of Lisa del Giocondo (Lorenzi 1). Lisa was the wife of a silk merchant from Florence named Francesco del Giocondo (Lorenzi 1). That is the reason why Mona Lisa is the name of the painting; it means Madam Lisa, since â€Å"mona†means â€Å"madam†or â€Å"my lady†in Italian (â€Å"History†). The mystery of the painting may have been revealed, but this surely does not diminish the public's interest in the Mona Lisa. It has been one of the most significant artworks in history, and will continue to do so in centuries to come. WORKS CITED Blake, Diana. â€Å"The Mona Lisa.†Art History Site. 2008. BellaOnline. 1 April 2008 ;;. Campbell, Michael. â€Å"What's Behind The Smile?†Arts & Antiques October 2006: 51. â€Å"History & Pictures Of The Mona Lisa By Leonardo Da Vinci.†Art History Guide. 1 April 2008 . Lorenzi, Rossella. â€Å"Mona Lisa's Identity Confirmed by Document.†Discovery News. 2008. Discovery Communications. 1 April 2008 ;;. Rosenberg, Jennifer. â€Å"The Mona Lisa Was Stolen!† 2008. The New York Times Company. 1 April 2008 ;;. Wallis, Denis. Why in the World? Australia: Reader's Digest Pty Limited, 1994.   Mona Lisa I have chosen the Mona Lisa to analyze. The portrait of Mona Lisa is also known as La Giaconda, she was the wife of Francesco del Giaconda. This painting was done in oil paints on poplar wood by Leonardo ad Vinci from the year 1503 to 1506. The dimensions of this painting are 76. 2 x 53. 3 CM. The painting is now in the Muse du Louvre in Paris. The Mona Lisa is a painting of a woman, dressed in a dark green dress with her hands overlapping. The background of the painting is a mountainous landscape.The whole painting is a remarkable example of Leonardo suffuse technique of painting. Suffuse is the blurred outline and mellowed colors that allow one form to merge with another and always leave something to our imagination. This is a technique that only Leonardo perfected. Other famous painters such as Van Eyes, Antenna, and Poetical tried, but were unsuccessful in duplicating Leonardo technique. The Mona Lisa has been analyzed over and over by many intelligent people who have theories ab out the painting, and TTS mysterious appearance.It is the expression on the face of the Mona Lisa that seems to be attractive yet distant; these qualities have given the portrait universal fame. Leonardo deliberately used suffuse technique in the corners of the mouth and around the eyes leaving them indistinct by letting them merge into a soft shadow. What strikes us first about the Mona Lisa is the amazing degree to which she looks alive. She really seems to look at us and to have a mind of her own.Like a living Ewing, she seems to change before our eyes and to look a little different each time she is viewed. This is one of the reasons that the Mona Lisa is greatly admired, and is copied all over the world. If we look carefully at the Mona Lisa we will see that the two sides do not quite match. This is most obvious in the landscape in the background. The horizon on the left side seems to lie much lower that the one on the right. When we look at the left side of the woman she appear s to be taller than if we look at the right side.Her face seems to change depending which side we are focusing on, because even here the two sides do not match. Many years ago people looked at portraits with wonder, because they had thought that in preserving the likeness the artist could preserve the soul of the person. In my opinion the Mona Lisa was a turning point in the art of expression, because of suffuse technique of Leonardo do Vinci. Today the Mona Lisa is still one of the most beautiful, and mysterious works of art, as it is still being analyzed to this day. Mona Lisa By Stretches Mona lisa Leonardo dad Vinci was born on April 15, 1452 in Vinci, Italy. Born out of wedlock, the love child of a respected notary and a young peasant woman, he was raised by his father, Seer Piper, and his stepmothers. At the age of 14, dad Vinci began apprenticing with the artist Veronica. For six years, he learned a wide breadth of technical skills, including metalworking, leather arts, carpentry, drawing and sculpting. By the age of 20, he had qualified as a master artist in the Guild of Saint Luke and established his won workshop.Many doesn't know, Florentine court records show that dad Vinci was charged with and acquitted of sodomy's at the age of 22, and for two years, his whereabouts went entirely undocumented. In 1482, Leonardo left Florence for Milan, where he became official artist to Ladylove Sports, duke of the city. Leonardo undertook many projects in that time period. Leonardo remained with Sports until the latter's fall from power in 1499, after which he returned to Florence. S ketches and written records indicate that Leonardo worked as a sculptor, but no examples minded.Only about a dozen of paintings can be definitely attributed to him, and several are left unfinished. There are hundreds of drawings and thousands of pages from his notebook that testify to the man being an extraordinary genius. He was many things, writer, mathematician, inventor, and artist. Leonardo dad Vinci was a leading artist and intellectual of the Italian Renaissance who's known for his enduring works â€Å"The Last Supper†and â€Å"Mona Lisa. †The Mona Lisa is perhaps Leonardo Dad Vine's most famous of paintings. It is an oil painting, painted on poplar DOD.The painting is most famous for the smile of the woman, which people have been trying to decipher for a long time. Many believe that the portrait is that of Dad Vinci himself, while many also place a lot mystic connections with this painting. The portrait depicts a woman's bust, with a distant landscape that is visible in the backdrop. Leonardo used a pyramid design to install the woman in a simple and calm manner within the painting. The woman is shown with her hands folded, with her breast, neck, and face painted the same color as her hands.The light is diffused so that the various curves and geometrical shapes on the painting are made visible through it. Perhaps the most interesting thing about the painting is the woman's smile. Many believe that it is innocent and inviting; while others believe it is that of smugness and is a smirk. Many scientific studies have been undertaken to determine the exact nature of the smile and the real reason remains a mystery. It is believed that every person sees the smile differently because of the changes in the lighting hat Leonardo presented.The woman is shown seated in an open area, and behind her is a vast landscape, which recedes to an icy mountain. Some winding paths and a faraway bridge is also perceptible in the background. The painting is an amazing one and one should definitely take a look at it in order to appreciate its full beauty. The painting is currently on display at the Muse du Louvre, in Paris. The Mona Lisa by Leonardo dad Vinci contains many elements and principles of art in its beautiful and â€Å"ideal†portrait.This piece of art was completed in 1519 and is the prototype of the Renaissance portrait. There are many forms of elements in this piece such as line, color, texture, shape, and value. There are also some principles of art; emphasis, digital movement, harmony and balance. Leonardo dad Vinci uses all of these elements and principles in The Mona Lisa which make it such an important contribution to the world of art. Leonardo dad Vinci has shown us many forms of elements in this famous piece such as line, color, texture, shape, and value.There is the element line used in this piece of art to show implied outlines. These are found on The Mona Alias's hands which creates a texture. Another element is color. Although the colors are dull, red, yellow, and blue are used throughout the piece to add color, and balance. It looks like Leonardo dad Vinci the colors to blend from red to yellow, and finally blue in the background. Texture is the degree of roughness and smoothness in an object and is shown in the Mona Lisa through her clothing. Bibliography: Living With Art 10th edition Mark Getting pig. 143 Mona Lisa I have chosen the Mona Lisa to analyze. The portrait of Mona Lisa is also known as La Giaconda, she was the wife of Francesco del Giaconda. This painting was done in oil paints on poplar wood by Leonardo ad Vinci from the year 1503 to 1506. The dimensions of this painting are 76. 2 x 53. 3 CM. The painting is now in the Muse du Louvre in Paris. The Mona Lisa is a painting of a woman, dressed in a dark green dress with her hands overlapping. The background of the painting is a mountainous landscape.The whole painting is a remarkable example of Leonardo suffuse technique of painting. Suffuse is the blurred outline and mellowed colors that allow one form to merge with another and always leave something to our imagination. This is a technique that only Leonardo perfected. Other famous painters such as Van Eyes, Antenna, and Poetical tried, but were unsuccessful in duplicating Leonardo technique. The Mona Lisa has been analyzed over and over by many intelligent people who have theories ab out the painting, and TTS mysterious appearance.It is the expression on the face of the Mona Lisa that seems to be attractive yet distant; these qualities have given the portrait universal fame. Leonardo deliberately used suffuse technique in the corners of the mouth and around the eyes leaving them indistinct by letting them merge into a soft shadow. What strikes us first about the Mona Lisa is the amazing degree to which she looks alive. She really seems to look at us and to have a mind of her own.Like a living Ewing, she seems to change before our eyes and to look a little different each time she is viewed. This is one of the reasons that the Mona Lisa is greatly admired, and is copied all over the world. If we look carefully at the Mona Lisa we will see that the two sides do not quite match. This is most obvious in the landscape in the background. The horizon on the left side seems to lie much lower that the one on the right. When we look at the left side of the woman she appear s to be taller than if we look at the right side.Her face seems to change depending which side we are focusing on, because even here the two sides do not match. Many years ago people looked at portraits with wonder, because they had thought that in preserving the likeness the artist could preserve the soul of the person. In my opinion the Mona Lisa was a turning point in the art of expression, because of suffuse technique of Leonardo do Vinci. Today the Mona Lisa is still one of the most beautiful, and mysterious works of art, as it is still being analyzed to this day. Mona Lisa By Stretches Mona lisa Leonardo dad Vinci was born on April 15, 1452 in Vinci, Italy. Born out of wedlock, the love child of a respected notary and a young peasant woman, he was raised by his father, Seer Piper, and his stepmothers. At the age of 14, dad Vinci began apprenticing with the artist Veronica. For six years, he learned a wide breadth of technical skills, including metalworking, leather arts, carpentry, drawing and sculpting. By the age of 20, he had qualified as a master artist in the Guild of Saint Luke and established his won workshop.Many doesn't know, Florentine court records show that dad Vinci was charged with and acquitted of sodomy's at the age of 22, and for two years, his whereabouts went entirely undocumented. In 1482, Leonardo left Florence for Milan, where he became official artist to Ladylove Sports, duke of the city. Leonardo undertook many projects in that time period. Leonardo remained with Sports until the latter's fall from power in 1499, after which he returned to Florence. S ketches and written records indicate that Leonardo worked as a sculptor, but no examples minded.Only about a dozen of paintings can be definitely attributed to him, and several are left unfinished. There are hundreds of drawings and thousands of pages from his notebook that testify to the man being an extraordinary genius. He was many things, writer, mathematician, inventor, and artist. Leonardo dad Vinci was a leading artist and intellectual of the Italian Renaissance who's known for his enduring works â€Å"The Last Supper†and â€Å"Mona Lisa. †The Mona Lisa is perhaps Leonardo Dad Vine's most famous of paintings. It is an oil painting, painted on poplar DOD.The painting is most famous for the smile of the woman, which people have been trying to decipher for a long time. Many believe that the portrait is that of Dad Vinci himself, while many also place a lot mystic connections with this painting. The portrait depicts a woman's bust, with a distant landscape that is visible in the backdrop. Leonardo used a pyramid design to install the woman in a simple and calm manner within the painting. The woman is shown with her hands folded, with her breast, neck, and face painted the same color as her hands.The light is diffused so that the various curves and geometrical shapes on the painting are made visible through it. Perhaps the most interesting thing about the painting is the woman's smile. Many believe that it is innocent and inviting; while others believe it is that of smugness and is a smirk. Many scientific studies have been undertaken to determine the exact nature of the smile and the real reason remains a mystery. It is believed that every person sees the smile differently because of the changes in the lighting hat Leonardo presented.The woman is shown seated in an open area, and behind her is a vast landscape, which recedes to an icy mountain. Some winding paths and a faraway bridge is also perceptible in the background. The painting is an amazing one and one should definitely take a look at it in order to appreciate its full beauty. The painting is currently on display at the Muse du Louvre, in Paris. The Mona Lisa by Leonardo dad Vinci contains many elements and principles of art in its beautiful and â€Å"ideal†portrait.This piece of art was completed in 1519 and is the prototype of the Renaissance portrait. There are many forms of elements in this piece such as line, color, texture, shape, and value. There are also some principles of art; emphasis, digital movement, harmony and balance. Leonardo dad Vinci uses all of these elements and principles in The Mona Lisa which make it such an important contribution to the world of art. Leonardo dad Vinci has shown us many forms of elements in this famous piece such as line, color, texture, shape, and value.There is the element line used in this piece of art to show implied outlines. These are found on The Mona Alias's hands which creates a texture. Another element is color. Although the colors are dull, red, yellow, and blue are used throughout the piece to add color, and balance. It looks like Leonardo dad Vinci the colors to blend from red to yellow, and finally blue in the background. Texture is the degree of roughness and smoothness in an object and is shown in the Mona Lisa through her clothing. Bibliography: Living With Art 10th edition Mark Getting pig. 143
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Comparing the Horse Dealers Daughter and a Rose for Emily essays
Comparing the Horse Dealers' Daughter and a Rose for Emily essays How death affects everyone differently, as seen through D.H. Lawrences The Horse Dealers Daughter and William Faulkners A Rose for Emily. Death is the end of life. Every living thing dies, but human beings are probably the only creatures that can imagine their own deaths. When someone dies the people closet to them are over come with sadness. Some people find comfort in death. They believe that when you die your suffering ends. People who go through the death of an important person in their life often feel like a part of them has also died. You can choose to let this experience alter and shape the rest of your life or you can overcome it and continue with your life. In A Rose for Emily and The Horse Dealer's Daughter , Mable and Emily experience the death of their father. In A Rose for Emily, the main character Emily experiences a hard coming change. After being the only man in her life Emily's father dies and she finds it hard to let go. It took three days for the doctors to be able to dispose of his body. She kept denying for three days that her father had died. The townspeople didnt think she was crazy for doing so. They believed she had to do that. They remembered all the young men who her father had chased away, and they knew that with nothing left she would have to cling to that which had robbed her. (Faulkner Pg.75) EMily's father didn't let her date. He took away any chance she had to meet a man. He felt that none of the young men were quite good enough for Miss Emily. (Faulkner Pg. 75) She spent her life taking care of him in that old house. She wasnt allowed to experience and enjoy the pleasure of being in the company of men. Emily was thirty when her father passed and was still single. (Faulkner Pg. 75) In a way her fathers death was liberation for her. She could begin to date and court men of her choice and liking. Her father couldnt chase them o...
Monday, October 21, 2019
American Attitudes about September 11th essays
American Attitudes about September 11th essays Osama Bin Ladin had more than just a plan to harm United States Citizens when he had the world trade centers bombed. He had a grudge with the whole way of life that Americans led. He was disgruntled about our economic strength, our cultural acceptances, and the "materialistic" way of life we led. He thought that by bringing down the world trade centers, our symbol of everything good about America, that he would destroy our lives. However, the opposite effect was produced. The country came together in a wave of patriotism and heroism. Granted, some racism took place against Arab Americans, but for the most part, the whole country came together in a moment that would change lives not only in America, but all over the world. Racism, as defined by Schaefer, is a doctrine that one race is superior. (Schaefer, pg. 506) When the world trade center came down, and the entire country came to a halt and gasped, we realized that the world suddenly changed. We saw scenes of people suffering, dying, and crying out for loved ones, and the heart of America sobbed for them. Everyone in America today, was affected by what happened 09/11/02. Many lost precious loved ones, more lost jobs, and even more lost the feeling that they were safe in the most powerful nation on Earth. We were attacked from more than one angle on that day. The economic consequences of September 11 were that many people lost their source of income across the land. Father's that had to make child support payments were left with no means in which to take care of their children. People who were getting ready for retirement were forced to look at working for another five years to guarantee their pensions. Consumers were afraid to spend money in fear that they would lose their jobs, and not be able to make rent. The economy seemed to come to a halt. However, Bin Laden was wrong. Not only was he wrong about our sprit as a nation, but also about the ...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Benefits of Working as a Computer Science Expert
Benefits of Working as a Computer Science Expert Why Computer Science Career is So Popular Today? If you want to reach a decent level of living, you can take a look at a career in computer engineering. You can start moving to your goal since school by studying Computer Sciences and Informational Technologies subjects. They are becoming the most important disciplines today. It is better for you to get a Bachelor or even a Master’s degree. But most of all you should focus on developing your computer skills. You will be more appreciated as a professional if you will know more than one programming language and have various skills in this field. What is more, being a computer expert, you will be able to work distantly, from home or any other convenient place. Freelancing is very popular among family people and millennials who do not want to be tied to one place. Also, this type of work opens a lot of opportunities for those, who work far from big cities, as many big computer corporations’ offices are located there. Moreover, new career opportunities appear daily with the development of the IT field. People who have IT education and skills will always be able to find a decent job. You can start a career in the following categories: Administration Design Development Finances Healthcare Nursing. Management Marketing Programming Writing You can see that the knowledge of Business Administration can also help you in obtaining a good career in computer science. All you need is to present the real information from the right perspective. Writing experts can assist you in creating the proper application letter that will get the attention of your potential employer. Computer science requires the implementation of many sciences and fields starting with administrating and business and ending with technologies and biology. The main requirement is to be good at what you do and provide a new ideal for industrial development. You can focus on discovering solutions for problems like: Designing and developing the software. Finding the solutions for technical instruments from the technical and creative point of view. Storing the info, management of the data, networking, and control of communications. New approaches and ways of using computers and electronic devices. Considering this, you can choose from 5 main career options in computer science: Career option 1. Designing and implementation apps for PC and portable devices. Career option 2. Searching for new approaches to PC and portable devices usage. Career option 3. Finding effective solutions for computer issues. Career option 4. Finding effective solutions for any other industry. Career option 5. Planning and organizing the technology infrastructure in any industry. Top Career Choices in Computer Science Below you will find out the most forward-looking career ideas: Market Research Analyst Modern marketing includes many aspects like promotion, sales, and distribution. These elements are connected and require decent management to be effective. To run productive promotional campaigns and increase sales, companies require specialists in marketing research analysis. Usually, these experts work with teams in order to conduct a deep analysis and develop effective business plans. To become a professional in this field, you need to know how to analyze the data, review the available information and study trends and strategies of competitors. Your main task here is to provide a quick company growth. You also have to be able to collect the feedback from your customers, partners, and suppliers, etc. to obtain more opinions on company activity. Your computer science degree will be valuable in this data-focused field, especially if you will have a Master’s degree. Annual salary: $33,500 – $114,000 Operations Research Analyst This career is pretty similar to the previous one. It also requires working with data and managing the information. The purpose here is to find the best solution for the existing issues as well. This job requires knowledge and skills in the following subjects: accounting; finance; political science; manufacturing logistics. But in his position, you will need the assistance of other specialists. You have to know what software used for statistics and what modeling packages to apply. Pay attention to studying statistics in college to be successful in this industry in the future. And do your best to get the Master’s degree. Annual salary: $42,000 $130,000 Systems Software Developer Working with system software does not always mean being a system administrator. This also includes developing apps and software. And experts can find a job in a computer or mobile industry. If you have good engineering and programming skills, you can find a job as a designer, for instance, in a big corporation. This will be an excellent start for an IT career. You will have to develop programs and apps that will be used in computer and mobile industries. And it refers not only to mobile phones but even to the auto interfaces. You should also take into consideration the security aspect of your products. As usual, the master’s diploma will be beneficial in getting a job. Annual salary: $63,000 $151,000 Web/App Developer We all are mobile and web users as we regularly download and use various apps. That is why the developers of web and mobile applications are in such high demand now. Numerous apps are developed annually, and they always have target users and a useful purpose. For developers there are some basic responsibilities: creating websites for e-commerce; controlling company operations; managing of the non-profit groups; conducting social media activity; working together with customers and business partners. To become a web developer, you should be an expert in computers and engineering. You also should be able to work freely with programming languages like HTML, JavaScript, XML, and Cascading Style Sheets. Also, you should be able to check the website after it is completed to make sure everything runs properly and the interface is user-friendly. Annual salary: $33,000 $110,000 Geoscientist Apart from computer science, let’s take a look at another important field, like geosciences. This science is aimed at discovering our planet, so you need to be good at Geography or Geophysics that will serve as a bonus to your computer skills. Tasks for such experts are to model and build up real-life prototypes, and they need usage of complex computer systems. The main purpose here is to study our planet and what opportunities it can bring to us. Geoscientist also should have data analysis and digital mapping skills as well. They have to conduct researches of the issues connected to the Earth. Geology is required as much as computer knowledge here. You can start searching for a job in government or oil and gas industry. Your researching and application skills will be useful for authorities. Annual salary: $49,000 $187,000 As you can see, finding a highly-paid job requires more than just a basic knowledge of computer sciences. You have to be aware of some other industries and be able to conduct connected operations. But if you want to be independent financially and have a decent level of living, you should consider developing skills and obtaining the knowledge required for working in these industries. To save some time for getting extra experience, you can order a research paper from writing experts. But keep in mind that you need to choose only respectful services, as you entrust them a part of your reputation as well.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 9
Economics - Essay Example Economics as an existing discipline which relies on meticulous argument styles. Its objectives cover the formulation of theories that have more sound theoretical grounding and are simpler in the manner of explaining economic phenomena. Frequently the explanation starts with a plain framework which depicts the relationships of the variables . The complexities are locked away in the assumption of ceteris paribus or all equality of all other variables. An example is moneys quantity theory , which posits a positive assocoiation among the money supply and price level, ceteris paribus. The theory can be put to test by utilizing economic data, like the price index of GDP and a calculation of the supply of money; for example, bank deposits along with currency. Its quantitative methodologies facilitate the impact of opposing rationalizations and challenge to fine-tune for extraneous effects. Of late, the utilization of experiments on economics has been very progressive; thus making it compara ble to the natural sciences. Microeconomics examines the agents economic performance as well as firms and individuals, their connections through the given insufficiency, character markets and administration guideline. For a product there is a market specified, for instance a corn which is a factor of manufacture called bricklaying. Aggregating of the amount required by buyers and the number provided by sellers at each probable unit price is measured by the theory. It weaves these together to explain how an advertise may arrive at the equilibrium as to the amount or price that responds to the market change over the time. Demand-and-supply analysis is the general termed. Market structures such as domination and perfect competition is examined which is implied as a financial competence or behavior. The proceeds remains unchanged based on the analysis from the simplifying statement that behavior in the market it is the so
Friday, October 18, 2019
Intern as Revenue Manager Assistant from March 2009 to August 2009 At Coursework
Intern as Revenue Manager Assistant from March 2009 to August 2009 At The Grand City Hotel, Berlin - Coursework Example The internship provided me with an insight into my own weaknesses and deficiencies which I was unable to realize without being a part of a hotel practically. I particularly found how important it is for me to have an extraordinary control and expertise in the use of software particularly the spreadsheets. I also learned group skills. I found the considerable difference between academic learning and professional learning. My experience of internship has acquainted me with a lot of knowledge and skills that I could not learn in the college. Over six months, I have grown as a professional and have learned how to apply theoretical learning in practical situations. The internship helped me become well equipped with such a valuable experience that would be very helpful in my professional career after my graduation. My tenure at the Grand City Hotel has been a very enlightening experience. Table of Contents Contents Page No. Executive Summary 2 Introduction 4 - 6 a) About the Grand City Hot el b) Location of the Grand City Hotel c) Attractions for the guests d) Environment of the Grand City Hotel e) Services at the Grand City Hotel f) Objectives for the internship Description and Analysis 7 - 10 a) Methodology b) Results c) Recommendations to the company Learning experience 10 - 12 a) Personal development b) Challenges and Solutions c) Academic Learning vs Professional Learning Conclusion 13 References 14 Introduction a) About the Grand City Hotel The Grand City Hotel chain comprises more than 100 hotels all across Europe. The hotels guarantee a memorable experience at the best price. The location, attractions, environment, and services provided by the Grand City Hotel far outweigh the prices charged from the guests. b) Location of the Grand City Hotel The Grand City Hotel in Berlin is an exquisite resort for the travelers from all over the world who want to discover the German Main content and have some quality time on weekends or holidays. One of the main attractions of the Grand City Hotel in Berlin Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf is its location and surroundings. The Grand City Hotel is centrally located in Berlin and is at a short distance to many of the famous attractions that German has to offer, including the Messe Berlin, the renowned Kurfurstendamm, and the ICC (Grand City Hotels, n.d.). c) Attractions for the guests The Grand City Hotel Berlin provides the guests with easy access to the Berlin Zoo, galleries and shops, the German Opera Berlin, the KaDeWe department store, and the Kurfurstendamm. There is a variety of restaurants, clubs, and cafes near the Grand City Hotel in Berlin to satiate the cravings of the Night owls. The countless cultural attractions of Berlin make the Grand City Hotel a perfect resort for a longer stay. Among all cities of Germany, Berlin has probably the most to offer the tourists and visitors ranging from the Reichstag and the Brandenburger Tor to the variety of attractions in the local neighborhoods. Some of the most famous landmarks of Germany are located in the heart of Berlin and the guests can have them on walking distance from the Grand City Hotel. Â
Cryptography Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Cryptography - Research Paper Example The construction of c is done in such a way that there are elements which are redundant in it. This will, therefore, enable the receiver to reconstruct c even if some bits of c are corrupted by noise; the receiver will eventually reconstruct m (Gary 93). In a formal manner, an error correcting code is composed of a set, C? {0, 1} n of codewords. This set has strings which enables messages to be mapped in it before they are transmitted. In this case, a code that will be used for k-bit messages, C will have 2k elements which are distinct. So that there is some redundancy, there will be a need to have n>k. codes that are used for correcting errors can be defined in spaces which are non-binary too and this paper has construction which is straightforward and extensible in these non-binary spaces (Denning 72). For error correcting codes to be used, there will be a need for functions that will enable us to encode and decode messages. In this paper we will let M = {0, 1}k be a representation of the space message. There is a translation function, g : M C, which represent a one-to-one mapping capability of messages to codewords. What this means is that g is the mapping that is used before the transmission takes place. On the other hand, g-1 is the function that is used upon receiving of messages to retrieve codes in the codeword. There is a function, referred to as decoding function that is used for mapping n-bits that are arbitrary to codewords. This is the function, f : {0, 1}1 C U {O}. If the f function is successful, it will manage to map a given string which has n-bits x to the nearest codeword that is found in C (that is, the proximity to nearness in Hamming distance). If this not the case, then f will fail and the output will be O3. The robustness that an error-correcting code has will depend on the distance between the codewords. To make this more definite, we will need some fundamental notation that regard strings of the binary digits. For this case, we will use + and – to represent bitwise XOR operator on the bit strings. We will use a measurement Hamming weight, which is the number of ‘1’ bits that are found in u. The Hamming weight is denoted by ||u|| (this is the weight of a string which has n strings). The Hamming weight has a precise definition of the number of ‘l’ bits that are found in u. In the same perspective, the Hamming distance that is found between two strings, u and v is defined as the number of digits that make two strings to be different (Gary 62). In an equivalent manner, the Hamming distance will be equal to ||u - v||. We normally take it that a function that is used for decoding, that is function f, will have a correction threshold with a size of t if it has the ability to correct any set of t bit errors. In a more definite manner, for any codeword c â‚ ¬ C, and any error term e â‚ ¬ {0, 1}n, that has || e ||? t, this is the case that f(c+e) = c. in this case, we will regard C to have a correction threshold which has a size of t if there is a function f for C for t, which also has a correction threshold of size t. there is a an observation that the distance that is found between two codewords in C should have a distance of at least 2t + 1. The neighborhood of a codeword c is defined to be f-1 (c). This means that the neighborhood of c has a subset of strings that are n-bit long where f maps to c. the function that is used for decoding, that is function f, is set in such a way that f-1(c) has a close proximity to c that any other code word that
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Reader response Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3
Reader response - Essay Example For example, it is soiled and ripped. Additionally, it is an â€Å"unclean yellow†(Gilman, 1999). After gazing at the paper for a considerable amount of time, she figures a sub pattern shrouded by the main pattern. However, the pattern is only visible under a certain light. Ultimately, the sub pattern transforms into a woman, desperately trying to entangle herself from the primary pattern which resembles a cage. The wallpaper imagery represents the family and tradition structure in which the narrator finds herself trapped. The cage emanating from the wallpaper has been festooned with heads of women who had tried to escape. All these women were strangled in the process of escaping. Therefore, The Yellow Wallpaper is symbolic of the concept of true womanhood. The cult or concept binds and restricts women to the family and home. These parameters were determined by men. The heads festooned on the cage illustrates the fate that befalls women who try to tamper with the laid down concepts that made a true woman. Any woman who defied was termed as an enemy of civilization and God. The imagery of the wallpaper is significant since it highlights or is used to represent the domestic life that snares a lot of women in
Thr Gate Gourmet service company study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Thr Gate Gourmet service company study - Essay Example However incorporation of a foreign program in the operations scenario gives rise to different challenges and problems in place that need to be effectively administered to contribute to the overall gains. Herein this paper focuses on properly evaluating the parameter of utility of such software in rightly helping the company management and the stakeholders gain potential information relating to external environment changes and also in addressing the problems emerging thereof. The paper divided along potential sections would contribute in getting useful recommendations along several facets thus helping in the holistic development of the service enterprise, Gate Gourmet in effectively serving airline passengers. Contents Contents 3 Introduction 5 Discussion 5 Critical Determination of the Systems that Enable the Efficient use of Input Resources 5 The Input-Output Related Transformation Process 5 Process of Optimally Using the Available Resources 6 The Case of Gate Gourmet 7 Trade-Off an d Challenges Faced by Gate Gourmet during the Process 8 Benefits and Challenges Faced by Gate Gourmet in integrating Information Technology in Supply Chain 9 Benefits 9 Challenges 11 Recommendations for Enhanced Performance of Information Technology Driven Supply Chains 12 ERP Implementation and Challenges 13 Challenges Faced by Gate Gourmet in the Implementation Phase of Organisation Wide Information Systems (ERP) 13 Addressing ERP Implementation Problems in Gate Gourmet 14 Tacit and Implicit Knowledge Use in Gate Gourmet 15 Case of Gate Gourmet 15 Conclusions and Recommendations 16 References 17 Introduction Gate Gourmet is a firm that works in the rendering of effective operations and services to airline passengers in the mode of rendering quality food and catering products. The company in the unison with other employee groups also renders other value addition services relating to cleansing, baggage checking, loading and unloading and other flight crew services. Gate Gourmet has effectively incorporated information technology to enhance the level of integration and competency involved in its functions and collaboration with other stakeholders like suppliers supplementing them with information relating to market and demand changes. The paper in this connection tends to evaluate the effectiveness of the information technology component rightly integrated and incorporated by the company in its service delivery network. Discussion Critical Determination of the Systems that Enable the Efficient use of Input Resources The Input-Output Related Transformation Process The Transformation Process related to the input-output system relates to the effective integration of different type of resources pertaining to human, financial and technological capital for the production of goods and services as needed outputs. The model for the Transformation Process used in Operations for effectively transforming inputs into effective outputs can be rendered as follows. Figure 1 Th e inputs segment of the Transformation Process tends to incorporate two types of resources like Transformed and the Transforming. Transformed resources are as such that get readily transformed to serve as outputs in the process while Transforming Resources are such that aid in the effective transformation of inputs into proper outputs. Herein the Transformation
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Reader response Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3
Reader response - Essay Example For example, it is soiled and ripped. Additionally, it is an â€Å"unclean yellow†(Gilman, 1999). After gazing at the paper for a considerable amount of time, she figures a sub pattern shrouded by the main pattern. However, the pattern is only visible under a certain light. Ultimately, the sub pattern transforms into a woman, desperately trying to entangle herself from the primary pattern which resembles a cage. The wallpaper imagery represents the family and tradition structure in which the narrator finds herself trapped. The cage emanating from the wallpaper has been festooned with heads of women who had tried to escape. All these women were strangled in the process of escaping. Therefore, The Yellow Wallpaper is symbolic of the concept of true womanhood. The cult or concept binds and restricts women to the family and home. These parameters were determined by men. The heads festooned on the cage illustrates the fate that befalls women who try to tamper with the laid down concepts that made a true woman. Any woman who defied was termed as an enemy of civilization and God. The imagery of the wallpaper is significant since it highlights or is used to represent the domestic life that snares a lot of women in
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Expanding To Emerging Market Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Expanding To Emerging Market - Assignment Example This paper therefore investigates the various factors that justifies reasons for choosing emerging markets for investment and also looks critically into factors that must be taken before making such a move. The motivation for most global enterprises to expand to emerging markets relative to other growth oriented options is highly justified in the response that various emerging markets are giving to such new expansions that are coming from the emerging markets. Commonly, emerging markets were tagged as places of inactive global business because of the absence of needed infrastructure to be engaged in competitive globalised business orientation. But this phenomenon which dates back to the pre-2000s could be said to be a thing of the past especially when the argument is made in terms of technological advancement (Kanter, 2008). One factor that remains an open secret about globalised enterprise expansion is that most of these corporations that go into these forms of expansions depend gre atly on the power of the internet. This is because a lot of them engage in proactive virtual business engagements that require the exchange of communication, ideas, logistics and resources via the use of information systems and information technology. As emerging markets, especially those in African and the Middle East open themselves up for such forms of virtual business operations to take place and still hold on to their core economic principles as providing investor friendly environments for business, multinational corporations have no other option than to include these areas in their global expansion agenda. Having justified the importance of including an emerging market as a strategic option for global enterprise expansion, it is important to note that the actual act of moving into an emerging market must take place as a process rather than an event. What this means is that the act of moving must be characterized by series of preparations and planning that are focused and aimed at achieving a sustainable expansion program (Bremmer, 2005). Key among the processes that precede the movement must be a need for critical decision making to take place. As part of the decision making process, four key steps will be outlined for following. The first of this shall be a market feasibility study, which shall help in making decisions on the forecasted viability of the new movement. The second is a business strategic option that will be suitable for the proposed destination, whether it would be a focused option, differentiation strategy or cost leadership (Kim, 2008). Thirdly, decision shall be made on implementation approach to know the best form of implementation approach to use, noting that the presence of competitors allows for the need to have an entrant approach that readily catches the attention of consumers. Finally, an evaluation program that helps in taking decision on the workability of the plan shall be instituted. Whiles writing on the decision making proc esses, the issue of strategic option came up. Specifically on this, there are very important considerations that any company would want to make as a means of meeting the customised needs of consumers. From this perspective, two major considerations will be expanded, which are the bargaining power of consumers and the quest for differentiate products and services from consumers. For the former, the
Everest Report Essay Example for Free
Everest Report Essay Introduction Everest simulation is a group task program created by Harvard this program allows teams to gain new experiences in relation to group tasks. The Everest teams were given two opportunities to complete the simulation, during the two simulations team members learnt how to problem solve and make strong decisions to ensure the group and individual goals were met. This exercise is a valuable tool to learn as it places students in teamwork situation within professional organisations. The following report will examine both simulations outcome of results and the significant events which took place. Focusing on the group and individual’s experience based on the theory concepts attitudes, leadership and groups and teams. As the results were at a distance the report will look at the type of strategy’s adapted between both attempts. As we did not have a clear leadership style and no clear communication within the first simulation this affected the overall confidence and support in achieving a higher group and individual score this report will discuss what type of leadership theory was approached during both simulations and the change of structure through the group experience. Preparation of Everest Simulation As the Everest simulation is a group based task we were formed into our numbered groups. Group 35 decided during the tutorial to take part in the first simulation through face to face contact, in this meeting were technical issues within the Wi-Fi system and we could not continue with the Everest climb. Some members suggested we continue at a later time through the Skype program. During this conclusion we had a few encounters as a few of the team members including myself were not familiar within the Skype program ,including the time chosen for first climb would not be suitable for group members external conditions. It had seemed we were facing a dilemma, we found ourselves problem solving even before the first Everest climb. As a group we problem solved to ensure we could support all members individual commitments with minimal conflict. It is imperative when forming a group task to ensure all group members are satisfied with the final decision according to (Lakein’s, 1973 cited in Macan, 1994) there were forms of time management descriptions were individuals confirm the importance of their personal needs and facing the task of prioritising these activities to ensure the goals are met and accomplished. This evidence suggests that most individuals preparing for a group task will prioritise and be committed to complete the Everest simulation1. Critical Analysis of Attitudes / groups and teams within Everest simulation 1and 2 Group experience and result: This first group reflection is based on the first Everest simulation which subsequently took place via a virtual mode of Skype, This virtual interaction gave the group a total group result/of 67 The attitudes of the team were very positive in building strong relationships with one another, this first simulation was at a forming stage and we moved into the storming stage of adapting to each other’s behaviours and personality’s. Time management had become an issue as we were trying to contact a few Everest tem members who did not respond to the initial set time for virtual meeting after 45minutes after the initial start time. As there was a cultural diverse group of personality we found ourselves developing strategies within a social interaction, gaining respect for each individual member and personal commitments. As prior to commencement there were difficulties with computer problems during face to face meeting within the library. It is imperative as a group that consistency is vital to gain a more efficient and effective result in productiveness. Motivation and emotional factors of not knowing each other on a closer bases and the link of a virtual experience was a concern ( Baltes, 2002, cited in , Bordia, 1997) Demonstrates that studies have shown computer based teams are less satisfied and positive of those who meet in a face to face environment. As we all had no prior recognition of familiarisation w it one another this became a little difficult to conduct a virtual group task, As our score was a little low this may have been due to the unclear communication of a virtual experience at times as a group it was unclear to know if we would proceed due to messaging being transmitted and encoded with no clear construction. As stated by (Bos 2002 and Jensen, 2000 cited in Hertel, 2012) â€Å"Differences between computer-me diated and face-to-face teams for negotiation tasks have seldom been explored. It is usually recommended that negotiation and conflict management should rather be realized face-to-face than at a distance because they involve complex interaction and the need to build trust†As a group within the first simulation we had no clear discussion on the Everest group goals and what we initially would like from this experience prior to climb. Due to the external noises and distractions during the virtual simulation through Skype at times it seemed there was low level of satisfaction in completing the tasks in front, once the simulation was completed their was job satisfaction in completing a score of 67%. Everest Simulation 2 was completed as another form of meeting this time we wanted to build a better performance rate in the second simulation, we decided it may be more productive to meet in house face to face, this was probably the most suitable decision. At this stage were forming close relationships and building trust as a group, getting to know the behaviours of one another. Our second team score was 96% this was a significant rise in results, the probability of a higher score may have come from the confidence we all gained in communicating as a team and not as individuals. There was a sense of inclusion and respect for all suggestions on how we would help all team members meet the goals of the summit climb more effectively and efficiently. This was not evident within the virtual simulation as we had no group structure or clear goals. Individual Experience and result: My individual experience and result of the first simulation within the Attitudes and group and team theory, I originally was very hesitant as I knew it was imperative to form a strong team ethic to ensure we succeeded in the tasks set out by the Everest simulation. Originally I have only ever been in face to face situations with group tasks; I was excited about a new challenge of virtual learning but at the same time not sure about how I could build trust through the comfort of technology. As an individual researched the job description of my position as the marathoner, this preparation was to ensure I could support my team members in the higher success of reaching the summit and meeting the group goals and individual goals set. During and before the climb we had no briefing regarding the Everest team goals and we just commenced the climb as a member of a team I know this is an important part of team building of relationships and discuss within your team. This can also affect the trust of a group and team and we are already reluctant to gain relationships with team members, I wondered whether this may have been due to the virtual experience I had been a part of as discussed by (Li 2004 cited in Brahm and Kunze, 2012) moderating the role of trust is more difficult in the virtual team thus can create trust attitudes and the relationship of team trust and team cohesiveness. My total result for the first Everest simulation was at 67% I feel this may have been due to the confusion on whether to speak up or just sit back and not interact with the group due to the lack of clear communication. The Everest simulation 2 was a much more positive and enjoyable task as an individual I was more confident with a face to face meeting, at one stage I was a natural leader by gaining the confidence in expressing my interest and advice in having the next simulation meeting together. I suggested this may create a higher score for us as a team. As an individual I could relate to the flexibility of a virtual meeting but was hesitant in the process and the clear low result we may achieve. Speaking up and having voice was the start of feeling comfortable within my team environment, there may have been other team members who felt the same decision was necessary as stated by (Argyris, 1991 cited in Morrison, Wheeler-Smith, Kamdar 2011, pg. 183) â€Å"Group and team members often do not share their opinions, ideas, and concerns, and such an absence of voice can have serious negative implications for group performance†. As an individual going into a group task I feel it is important to have your say to benefit your team in success. My individual score of the second simulation was a result of 100% this high score I feel was from the result of strong decision making and problem solving within the group. We also had sufficient time between climbs to take our time and work through questioning every step we took as a group; I fe el my extroverted approach to this questioning assisted in the high individual score. In the end it is vital to have clear goals and achieve success through positive and effective construction within a team environment. Group Experience within Leadership Everest simulation one and the leadership dynamic through the virtual experience of Skype may have affected the initial role of the team leader and the response of no clear structure or coordination within the group. As our group existed to remain new to the first simulation we were still adapting to each other’s behaviours. As a leader it is imperative to gain confidence in building the relationships within your group, the team leader assigned seemed quite held back and not confident in becoming assertive within the decision making process, whether this was due to a virtual leadership role and difficulties familiarisation of a new group of people.. We as a group required a strong leader who could guide us all in our role for a successful climb. Our leader was more of a Laissez-faire style who generally was happy for all team members to come together and have freedom in the decision making process. At the beginning of the confusion in the virtual Everest climb our leader was introverted but was a supportive leader and happy for us to move when required. The group still had respect for the authority of the leader as this member was still in form of legitimate power due to the job description and role within the Everest simulation. We all know the role we were required to play. Our group had quite a few natural leaders who were supportive with the knowledge of what was the next option. Put a quote in about importance of a strong clear confident leader; also talk about difficulties faced by leaders in virtual roles During the first climb there were a few scenarios were as a group we would problem solve wether to move on and leave the critically ill, I found myself waiting on the other end of disruptions from a clear answer from our team leader. In the end it felt more like a self-reflective answer from all members on their own individual goals. Individual experience and result: My individual experience of Everest simulation one was at first curious to see how leadership would be demonstrated through a virtual experience, as managing group or team in a work environment can have its challenges my initial thought was leading a team with no visual contact could affect the process. As we did not have a briefing or discuss the goals of the team I felt it was unorganised through the leadership process. I knew the role of the leader would have some advantage in ensuring we all meet our own individual goals and those of the Everest team as discussed by At times I feel l was a natural leader who assisted my team in achieving maximum success through supportive questions and answers. At the same time I was aware we were all team members from diverse cultural backgrounds, i respected this and showed respect for all my team members. Leadership was not as strong at the first simulation, but progressed over periods as we started to form a stronger group. As stated in our Team contract we referred to having a specific team leader but collaborated together in a final vote. Virtual teams can have difficulty in leading (Hertal udo,2005 pg 72) suggest that virtual experiences â€Å"by hand are feelings of isolation and decreased interpersonal contact, increased chances of misunderstandings and conflict escalation, and increased opportunities of role ambiguity and goal conflicts due to commitments to different work-units. Following from this quote it is evident from our second simulation of face to face interaction, we had a change in leadership style our leader demonstrated characteristics in becoming a democratic leader, this assisted me in growing confidence to become more effective and efficient in meeting the individual and team goals and my leader became more engaged in the learning process. This may have also resulted in a final group result of 96% and my individual result of 100%. Due to the change in leadership we become a confidant ad trustworthy group with a sense of social glue. Leadership with social face to face interaction showed more qualities for a successful leader and team. Conclusion Based on the analysis of the two attempts of the Everest simulations it is recommended that as a group we remained more productive and efficient in meeting our goals through face to face collaboration. As our results varied remarkably amongst both simulations The Everest simulation is a wonderful learning device to gain improvement in new expertise utilised in the team and group environment of a workplace, ensuring group development throughout the process likewise evident in the significance of integrating the team contract and policies to track when members required assistance. References: 1:Baltes et al., 2002; Bordia, 1997; Hollingshead McGrath, 1995; Warkentin et al., 1997) page 86 cited in 2: Gersick, Connie J G. (1988). TIME AND TRANSITION IN WORK TEAMS TOWARD A NEW MODEL OF GROUP DEVELOPMENT. Academy of Management Journal. 31 (1), 9-41. 3: Hertel, Guido Geister, Susanne Konradt, Udo. (2005). managing virtual teams: A review of current empirical research. Human Resource Management Review. 15 (1), 69-95. 4: Morrison, Elizabeth Wolfe 1; Wheeler-Smith, Sara L. 1; Kamdar, Dishan 2. (January 2011.). Speaking Up in Groups: A Cross-Level Study of Group Voice Climate and Voice.[Article]. Journal of Applied Psychology 96 (1), 183-191. 5 .P. J. Lamberson and Scott E. Page. ( April 2012). Optimal Forecasting Groups. Management science. 58 (4), 805-810 6.Macan, Therese Hoff. (June 1994). Time Management: Test of a Process Model. Journal of Applied Psychology.. 79 (3), 381-391. 7.Taiga Brahm, Florian Kunze, (2012) The role of trust climate in virtual teams, Journal of Managerial Psychology, Vol. 27 Iss: 6, pp.595 – 614 cited on 11/10/13 HHAY, RATHTANA V, KLEINER, BRIAN H (2013). Effective communication in virtual teams Industrial Management/ Business source premier. 55 (4), 28-30. Cited 12/10/13
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Ethical Healthcare Practices in Bangladesh
Ethical Healthcare Practices in Bangladesh Description: Therapeutic decorum is the shared connection between individuals from the restorative calling. At the end of the day, it is a feeling of kindness and regard, which ought to represent the lead of and relationship among the individuals from the medicinal calling. In Bangladesh, restorative specialists have generally appreciated the most astounding admiration among various callings. Propels in medicinal and wellbeing sciences and their being highlighted in the broad communications have made individuals such a great amount of cognizant about their wellbeing and wellbeing rights. Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council is the body to manage the lead of the Medical Professionals of Bangladesh. After graduation they need to enroll themselves with the committee. They need to consent to maintain the codes of statement. The therapeutic practice in Bangladesh is represented by enactment and medicinal laws, which are upheld by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. Healing facilities, cente rs and indicative focuses are additionally administered by government directions. Doctors play out their expert work in similarity with these controls. Be that as it may, requirement of these demonstrations or laws does not appear to happen all the time. Current Situation: Human rights activists and the Consumer Association of Bangladesh are additionally making individuals mindful about their wellbeing rights. They are presently worried about the medicinal services offices accessible in centers and healing facilities and what they get from individual specialists. They are notwithstanding scrutinizing the cost of medicinal services. The desires of individuals are expanding. Instances of carelessness and misbehavior with respect to doctors are being conveyed to courts with the outcome that expert associations, for example, the Bangladesh Medical Association and its individuals are getting to be plainly aware of their set of accepted rules and moral conduct. At present Bangladesh is experiencing a social change, monetary development and expanding uniqueness, broadening of crevice amongst poor and rich, expanding education, strengthening of ladies, expanded wellbeing mindfulness, expanding future, diminishing baby mortality and maternal mortality. There is a change of way of life of the general population and family progression, wellbeing looking for conduct, change of data innovation and quick urbanization. These are the difficulties in the wellbeing administration. In Bangladesh, both people in general and private segments give therapeutic administrations. Out in the open area there are shortcomings of pleasantries and beds. It is stuffed and the doctors need to confront the moral quandary in their decision of treatment and need. In private part it is expensive and past the compass of destitute individuals. There is an absence of good observing and legitimate laws. Whats more, headways in transplantation and helped propagation require new directions of restorative morals. In showing Medical Ethics provincial legacy is being taken after. It is educated in the bureau of legal solution accentuating carelessness and negligence; yet restorative understudies for the most part take after the expert direct of their seniors instead of learning through reading material and class guidelines. It is the ideal opportunity for rebuilding the rules of therapeutic morals and fuses them in the undergrad restorative educational modules, fortifying the Medical Council, sharpening the doctors and overhauling the important laws. The primary issue in the instructing of morals is that instructors have little information about restorative morals, decorum and set of principles. Likewise, therapeutic understudies dont have much enthusiasm for finding out about medicinal morals as they view different subjects as more vital for qualifying the examination. In addition, proficient lead and behavior are learnt by perception as opposed to through the perusing of books. To create mindfulness about moral qualities among understudies, more significance ought to be given to the instructing of medicinal morals. More accentuation ought to be given to the improvement of understudies state of mind in the course educational modules of medicinal morals with the goal that they can pick up and soak up information about moral practice. It ought to be the obligation of every single proficient association to maintain the guideline of restorative morals and expert lead. The BMDC, the Nursing Council, the Pharmacy Council and the State Medical Faculty ought to be fortified to empower them to screen wellbeing instruction and wellbeing administrations with the goal that individuals can get ideal care from specialists and government wellbeing administrations. Wellbeing organizers, policymakers and implementers ought to offer need to moral issues in medicinal and partnered instruction and in addition therapeutic practice. They ought to give specialized support to medicinal organizations so they can create and actualize a coordinated educational modules for the instructing of morals. A few variables can be forced all together prompt a superior moral condition in the medicinal business: Students rarely find a role model among their teachers for ethical practice. Penalization in case of misconduct can enforce the code of conduct strictly needs to be followed Integrated teaching of ethics in clinical years can be a better setting A structured curriculum for the teaching of ethics needs to be prepared for health professionals, including medical students and doctors. The nature of MNH care is poor in area and sub-region clinics in Bangladesh on account of an absence of human services work force and strategic support, including gear, fundamental medications, and lab needs. This data could be utilized to fortify the national-level approach for enhancing the nature of MNH care at the offices. In each kind of open clinic in Bangladesh, there range settled number of human services work force and a settled measure of calculated support, as determined by the GoB. Be that as it may, the number of inhabitants in each region or sub-area is not the same. In this way, an adjustment in the approach is required to guarantee the appropriation of human services staff and strategic support ought to be proportionate to populace of the area or sub-region. In our review, it was additionally uncovered that human services suppliers were disappointed with their nature of care; nonetheless, the greater part of their patients were happy with their level of care. This is mostly in light of the fact that the patients were ignorant of their wellbeing rights. A mindfulness raising movement ought to be propelled to teach patients that it is their entitlement to get quality care.
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