Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Mona lisa
Leonardo dad Vinci was born on April 15, 1452 in Vinci, Italy. Born out of wedlock, the love child of a respected notary and a young peasant woman, he was raised by his father, Seer Piper, and his stepmothers. At the age of 14, dad Vinci began apprenticing with the artist Veronica. For six years, he learned a wide breadth of technical skills, including metalworking, leather arts, carpentry, drawing and sculpting. By the age of 20, he had qualified as a master artist in the Guild of Saint Luke and established his won workshop.Many doesn't know, Florentine court records show that dad Vinci was charged with and acquitted of sodomy's at the age of 22, and for two years, his whereabouts went entirely undocumented. In 1482, Leonardo left Florence for Milan, where he became official artist to Ladylove Sports, duke of the city. Leonardo undertook many projects in that time period. Leonardo remained with Sports until the latter's fall from power in 1499, after which he returned to Florence. S ketches and written records indicate that Leonardo worked as a sculptor, but no examples minded.Only about a dozen of paintings can be definitely attributed to him, and several are left unfinished. There are hundreds of drawings and thousands of pages from his notebook that testify to the man being an extraordinary genius. He was many things, writer, mathematician, inventor, and artist. Leonardo dad Vinci was a leading artist and intellectual of the Italian Renaissance who's known for his enduring works â€Å"The Last Supper†and â€Å"Mona Lisa. †The Mona Lisa is perhaps Leonardo Dad Vine's most famous of paintings. It is an oil painting, painted on poplar DOD.The painting is most famous for the smile of the woman, which people have been trying to decipher for a long time. Many believe that the portrait is that of Dad Vinci himself, while many also place a lot mystic connections with this painting. The portrait depicts a woman's bust, with a distant landscape that is visible in the backdrop. Leonardo used a pyramid design to install the woman in a simple and calm manner within the painting. The woman is shown with her hands folded, with her breast, neck, and face painted the same color as her hands.The light is diffused so that the various curves and geometrical shapes on the painting are made visible through it. Perhaps the most interesting thing about the painting is the woman's smile. Many believe that it is innocent and inviting; while others believe it is that of smugness and is a smirk. Many scientific studies have been undertaken to determine the exact nature of the smile and the real reason remains a mystery. It is believed that every person sees the smile differently because of the changes in the lighting hat Leonardo presented.The woman is shown seated in an open area, and behind her is a vast landscape, which recedes to an icy mountain. Some winding paths and a faraway bridge is also perceptible in the background. The painting is an amazing one and one should definitely take a look at it in order to appreciate its full beauty. The painting is currently on display at the Muse du Louvre, in Paris. The Mona Lisa by Leonardo dad Vinci contains many elements and principles of art in its beautiful and â€Å"ideal†portrait.This piece of art was completed in 1519 and is the prototype of the Renaissance portrait. There are many forms of elements in this piece such as line, color, texture, shape, and value. There are also some principles of art; emphasis, digital movement, harmony and balance. Leonardo dad Vinci uses all of these elements and principles in The Mona Lisa which make it such an important contribution to the world of art. Leonardo dad Vinci has shown us many forms of elements in this famous piece such as line, color, texture, shape, and value.There is the element line used in this piece of art to show implied outlines. These are found on The Mona Alias's hands which creates a texture. Another element is color. Although the colors are dull, red, yellow, and blue are used throughout the piece to add color, and balance. It looks like Leonardo dad Vinci the colors to blend from red to yellow, and finally blue in the background. Texture is the degree of roughness and smoothness in an object and is shown in the Mona Lisa through her clothing. Bibliography: Living With Art 10th edition Mark Getting pig. 143 Mona Lisa I have chosen the Mona Lisa to analyze. The portrait of Mona Lisa is also known as La Giaconda, she was the wife of Francesco del Giaconda. This painting was done in oil paints on poplar wood by Leonardo ad Vinci from the year 1503 to 1506. The dimensions of this painting are 76. 2 x 53. 3 CM. The painting is now in the Muse du Louvre in Paris. The Mona Lisa is a painting of a woman, dressed in a dark green dress with her hands overlapping. The background of the painting is a mountainous landscape.The whole painting is a remarkable example of Leonardo suffuse technique of painting. Suffuse is the blurred outline and mellowed colors that allow one form to merge with another and always leave something to our imagination. This is a technique that only Leonardo perfected. Other famous painters such as Van Eyes, Antenna, and Poetical tried, but were unsuccessful in duplicating Leonardo technique. The Mona Lisa has been analyzed over and over by many intelligent people who have theories ab out the painting, and TTS mysterious appearance.It is the expression on the face of the Mona Lisa that seems to be attractive yet distant; these qualities have given the portrait universal fame. Leonardo deliberately used suffuse technique in the corners of the mouth and around the eyes leaving them indistinct by letting them merge into a soft shadow. What strikes us first about the Mona Lisa is the amazing degree to which she looks alive. She really seems to look at us and to have a mind of her own.Like a living Ewing, she seems to change before our eyes and to look a little different each time she is viewed. This is one of the reasons that the Mona Lisa is greatly admired, and is copied all over the world. If we look carefully at the Mona Lisa we will see that the two sides do not quite match. This is most obvious in the landscape in the background. The horizon on the left side seems to lie much lower that the one on the right. When we look at the left side of the woman she appear s to be taller than if we look at the right side.Her face seems to change depending which side we are focusing on, because even here the two sides do not match. Many years ago people looked at portraits with wonder, because they had thought that in preserving the likeness the artist could preserve the soul of the person. In my opinion the Mona Lisa was a turning point in the art of expression, because of suffuse technique of Leonardo do Vinci. Today the Mona Lisa is still one of the most beautiful, and mysterious works of art, as it is still being analyzed to this day. Mona Lisa By Stretches Mona Lisa The Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci is the most famous painting in the world. In fact, it is the most popular work of art in history. Millions of people have visited the Louvre to view it. Though it has been created in the 16th century, it has continued to be controversial at present. This research paper aims to discuss the history of the painting, and the recent developments around it. It is believed that Leonardo da Vinci began painting the Mona Lisa in 1503 (â€Å"History†). The painting was finished four years after (â€Å"History†). It was said that the painting was purchased by King Francois of France in 1516 for 4,000 coins of gold (â€Å"History†; Blake). Francois I invited Leonardo to France â€Å"to work at Clos Lucà ©,†and the latter died after three years (Wallis 226; Blake). The painting was eventually included in the monarch's art collection, and was placed in the royal bathroom (Wallis 226). There had been speculation that the painting was reduced after Leonardo's death, and that it originally had two columns on the sides (â€Å"History†). However, art experts refute this claim. During the French Revolution, it was said that Napoleon had placed the painting in his bedroom in Tuileries Palace (Blake). Soon after, it was returned to the Lourve. The Mona Lisa was temporarily hidden in a location in France in the duration of the Franco-Prussian War and World War II (Blake). In 1963, the painting was brought to Washington, and was insured for $100 million dollars (Wallis 226). At present, the painting can still be found in the museum, and is currently a property of the French government. The painting also has a duplicate, which can be found in Dulwich Picture Gallery (â€Å"History†). In 1911, the Mona Lisa was stolen from the Louvre (Rosenberg 1). The exact date of the theft was August 21st, but it was only the day after when the authorities noticed that the painting was missing (Rosenberg 1). It was a painter who first discovered that the Mona Lisa was missing. The painting was hung on Salon Carrà © of the Lourve and could be found between two other paintings: â€Å"The Mystic Marriage of Saint Catherine†by Correggio and â€Å"The Allegory of Alfonso d'Avalos†by Titian (Rosenberg 1). On August 22nd, Louis Bà ©roud only found iron pegs on the wall; the painting was missing (Rosenberg 1). On September 7th that same year, French poet Guillaume Apollinaire was arrested (Rosenberg 2). He was considered a suspect simply because he was a friend of a known artifact thief named Gà ©ry Pià ©ret (Rosenberg 2). He was released five days later. Even world-famous painter Pablo Picasso was considered a suspect (Blake). Two years had passed before there was any development regarding the theft (Rosenberg 2). In 1913, an antique dealer named Alfredo Geri placed an ad in the newspaper, stating that he was interested in purchasing art pieces (Rosenberg 3). The thief responded to the ad and introduced himself as Leonardo Vincenzo, and he told Geri he had the Mona Lisa (Rosenberg 3).  Leonardo Vincenzo is actually Vincenzo Peruggia, a former Lourve employee (Rosenberg 3). He worked in the museum in 1908, but he was still recognized by the museum's security at the time of the theft. He took the painting from the salon, proceeded to the staircase and detached the painting from its frame. He hid the Mona Lisa under his smock, and left the museum unnoticed (Rosenberg 3). The Mona Lisa is an oil painting that measures at only 31 x 21 inches (Blake). The painting is placed on a â€Å"poplar wooden panel†(Blake). Leonardo used the sfumato method in painting the Mona Lisa (Blake). In Italian, the term â€Å"sfumato†is â€Å"blended†; the word was derived from â€Å"fumo,†which means â€Å"smoke†(Blake). The Mona Lisa is a painting of a seated woman clothed in Florentine dress, against the backdrop of mountains (Blake). It is the woman's smile and gaze that have created much buzz around the painting. The woman was said to be smiling because â€Å"the corners of her mouth was lifted†(Sebe qtd. in Campbell 51). As for her gaze, when the viewer looks unto her eyes, it seems like the woman in the painting is following the viewer's gaze (â€Å"History†). However, if there was one thing that brought much controversy to the painting, it would be the woman's identity. The painting is also referred to as â€Å"La Gioconda†(Blake). â€Å"Gioconda†in Italian means â€Å"light-hearted woman†(Blake). The identity of the woman in the painting had been debated upon for centuries, and several speculations have arisen. According to Maike Vogt-Là ¼erssen, Isabella of Aragon is the woman in the painting (Blake). This is because her green dress has a pattern that implies membership in the â€Å"house of Visconti-Sforza†(Blake).  Vogt-Là ¼erssen also saw a likeness between the pictures of Isabella and the woman on the painting. On the other hand, Dr. Lilian Schwartz hints that the woman in the painting may not actually be a woman; rather, it may be Leonardo himself (Blake). This conclusion was derived from a digital analysis of the painting and Leonardo's portrait, which was found to have been painted in a similar style. It was only until recently that the identity of the woman in the painting was revealed. In January 2008, Heidelberg University academics have proven that the woman in the painting was Lisa Gherardini del Giocondo (Lorenzi 1). The proof was found on the margins of a book, and derived from notes by Agostino Vespucci in October 1503 (Lorenzi 1). Vespucci was a friend of Leonardo; in his notes, he stated that Leonardo was working on several paintings, which included that of Lisa del Giocondo (Lorenzi 1). Lisa was the wife of a silk merchant from Florence named Francesco del Giocondo (Lorenzi 1). That is the reason why Mona Lisa is the name of the painting; it means Madam Lisa, since â€Å"mona†means â€Å"madam†or â€Å"my lady†in Italian (â€Å"History†). The mystery of the painting may have been revealed, but this surely does not diminish the public's interest in the Mona Lisa. It has been one of the most significant artworks in history, and will continue to do so in centuries to come. WORKS CITED Blake, Diana. â€Å"The Mona Lisa.†Art History Site. 2008. BellaOnline. 1 April 2008 ;;. Campbell, Michael. â€Å"What's Behind The Smile?†Arts & Antiques October 2006: 51. â€Å"History & Pictures Of The Mona Lisa By Leonardo Da Vinci.†Art History Guide. 1 April 2008 . Lorenzi, Rossella. â€Å"Mona Lisa's Identity Confirmed by Document.†Discovery News. 2008. Discovery Communications. 1 April 2008 ;;. Rosenberg, Jennifer. â€Å"The Mona Lisa Was Stolen!† 2008. The New York Times Company. 1 April 2008 ;;. Wallis, Denis. Why in the World? Australia: Reader's Digest Pty Limited, 1994.   Mona Lisa I have chosen the Mona Lisa to analyze. The portrait of Mona Lisa is also known as La Giaconda, she was the wife of Francesco del Giaconda. This painting was done in oil paints on poplar wood by Leonardo ad Vinci from the year 1503 to 1506. The dimensions of this painting are 76. 2 x 53. 3 CM. The painting is now in the Muse du Louvre in Paris. The Mona Lisa is a painting of a woman, dressed in a dark green dress with her hands overlapping. The background of the painting is a mountainous landscape.The whole painting is a remarkable example of Leonardo suffuse technique of painting. Suffuse is the blurred outline and mellowed colors that allow one form to merge with another and always leave something to our imagination. This is a technique that only Leonardo perfected. Other famous painters such as Van Eyes, Antenna, and Poetical tried, but were unsuccessful in duplicating Leonardo technique. The Mona Lisa has been analyzed over and over by many intelligent people who have theories ab out the painting, and TTS mysterious appearance.It is the expression on the face of the Mona Lisa that seems to be attractive yet distant; these qualities have given the portrait universal fame. Leonardo deliberately used suffuse technique in the corners of the mouth and around the eyes leaving them indistinct by letting them merge into a soft shadow. What strikes us first about the Mona Lisa is the amazing degree to which she looks alive. She really seems to look at us and to have a mind of her own.Like a living Ewing, she seems to change before our eyes and to look a little different each time she is viewed. This is one of the reasons that the Mona Lisa is greatly admired, and is copied all over the world. If we look carefully at the Mona Lisa we will see that the two sides do not quite match. This is most obvious in the landscape in the background. The horizon on the left side seems to lie much lower that the one on the right. When we look at the left side of the woman she appear s to be taller than if we look at the right side.Her face seems to change depending which side we are focusing on, because even here the two sides do not match. Many years ago people looked at portraits with wonder, because they had thought that in preserving the likeness the artist could preserve the soul of the person. In my opinion the Mona Lisa was a turning point in the art of expression, because of suffuse technique of Leonardo do Vinci. Today the Mona Lisa is still one of the most beautiful, and mysterious works of art, as it is still being analyzed to this day. Mona Lisa By Stretches Mona lisa Leonardo dad Vinci was born on April 15, 1452 in Vinci, Italy. Born out of wedlock, the love child of a respected notary and a young peasant woman, he was raised by his father, Seer Piper, and his stepmothers. At the age of 14, dad Vinci began apprenticing with the artist Veronica. For six years, he learned a wide breadth of technical skills, including metalworking, leather arts, carpentry, drawing and sculpting. By the age of 20, he had qualified as a master artist in the Guild of Saint Luke and established his won workshop.Many doesn't know, Florentine court records show that dad Vinci was charged with and acquitted of sodomy's at the age of 22, and for two years, his whereabouts went entirely undocumented. In 1482, Leonardo left Florence for Milan, where he became official artist to Ladylove Sports, duke of the city. Leonardo undertook many projects in that time period. Leonardo remained with Sports until the latter's fall from power in 1499, after which he returned to Florence. S ketches and written records indicate that Leonardo worked as a sculptor, but no examples minded.Only about a dozen of paintings can be definitely attributed to him, and several are left unfinished. There are hundreds of drawings and thousands of pages from his notebook that testify to the man being an extraordinary genius. He was many things, writer, mathematician, inventor, and artist. Leonardo dad Vinci was a leading artist and intellectual of the Italian Renaissance who's known for his enduring works â€Å"The Last Supper†and â€Å"Mona Lisa. †The Mona Lisa is perhaps Leonardo Dad Vine's most famous of paintings. It is an oil painting, painted on poplar DOD.The painting is most famous for the smile of the woman, which people have been trying to decipher for a long time. Many believe that the portrait is that of Dad Vinci himself, while many also place a lot mystic connections with this painting. The portrait depicts a woman's bust, with a distant landscape that is visible in the backdrop. Leonardo used a pyramid design to install the woman in a simple and calm manner within the painting. The woman is shown with her hands folded, with her breast, neck, and face painted the same color as her hands.The light is diffused so that the various curves and geometrical shapes on the painting are made visible through it. Perhaps the most interesting thing about the painting is the woman's smile. Many believe that it is innocent and inviting; while others believe it is that of smugness and is a smirk. Many scientific studies have been undertaken to determine the exact nature of the smile and the real reason remains a mystery. It is believed that every person sees the smile differently because of the changes in the lighting hat Leonardo presented.The woman is shown seated in an open area, and behind her is a vast landscape, which recedes to an icy mountain. Some winding paths and a faraway bridge is also perceptible in the background. The painting is an amazing one and one should definitely take a look at it in order to appreciate its full beauty. The painting is currently on display at the Muse du Louvre, in Paris. The Mona Lisa by Leonardo dad Vinci contains many elements and principles of art in its beautiful and â€Å"ideal†portrait.This piece of art was completed in 1519 and is the prototype of the Renaissance portrait. There are many forms of elements in this piece such as line, color, texture, shape, and value. There are also some principles of art; emphasis, digital movement, harmony and balance. Leonardo dad Vinci uses all of these elements and principles in The Mona Lisa which make it such an important contribution to the world of art. Leonardo dad Vinci has shown us many forms of elements in this famous piece such as line, color, texture, shape, and value.There is the element line used in this piece of art to show implied outlines. These are found on The Mona Alias's hands which creates a texture. Another element is color. Although the colors are dull, red, yellow, and blue are used throughout the piece to add color, and balance. It looks like Leonardo dad Vinci the colors to blend from red to yellow, and finally blue in the background. Texture is the degree of roughness and smoothness in an object and is shown in the Mona Lisa through her clothing. Bibliography: Living With Art 10th edition Mark Getting pig. 143 Mona Lisa I have chosen the Mona Lisa to analyze. The portrait of Mona Lisa is also known as La Giaconda, she was the wife of Francesco del Giaconda. This painting was done in oil paints on poplar wood by Leonardo ad Vinci from the year 1503 to 1506. The dimensions of this painting are 76. 2 x 53. 3 CM. The painting is now in the Muse du Louvre in Paris. The Mona Lisa is a painting of a woman, dressed in a dark green dress with her hands overlapping. The background of the painting is a mountainous landscape.The whole painting is a remarkable example of Leonardo suffuse technique of painting. Suffuse is the blurred outline and mellowed colors that allow one form to merge with another and always leave something to our imagination. This is a technique that only Leonardo perfected. Other famous painters such as Van Eyes, Antenna, and Poetical tried, but were unsuccessful in duplicating Leonardo technique. The Mona Lisa has been analyzed over and over by many intelligent people who have theories ab out the painting, and TTS mysterious appearance.It is the expression on the face of the Mona Lisa that seems to be attractive yet distant; these qualities have given the portrait universal fame. Leonardo deliberately used suffuse technique in the corners of the mouth and around the eyes leaving them indistinct by letting them merge into a soft shadow. What strikes us first about the Mona Lisa is the amazing degree to which she looks alive. She really seems to look at us and to have a mind of her own.Like a living Ewing, she seems to change before our eyes and to look a little different each time she is viewed. This is one of the reasons that the Mona Lisa is greatly admired, and is copied all over the world. If we look carefully at the Mona Lisa we will see that the two sides do not quite match. This is most obvious in the landscape in the background. The horizon on the left side seems to lie much lower that the one on the right. When we look at the left side of the woman she appear s to be taller than if we look at the right side.Her face seems to change depending which side we are focusing on, because even here the two sides do not match. Many years ago people looked at portraits with wonder, because they had thought that in preserving the likeness the artist could preserve the soul of the person. In my opinion the Mona Lisa was a turning point in the art of expression, because of suffuse technique of Leonardo do Vinci. Today the Mona Lisa is still one of the most beautiful, and mysterious works of art, as it is still being analyzed to this day. Mona Lisa By Stretches Mona lisa Leonardo dad Vinci was born on April 15, 1452 in Vinci, Italy. Born out of wedlock, the love child of a respected notary and a young peasant woman, he was raised by his father, Seer Piper, and his stepmothers. At the age of 14, dad Vinci began apprenticing with the artist Veronica. For six years, he learned a wide breadth of technical skills, including metalworking, leather arts, carpentry, drawing and sculpting. By the age of 20, he had qualified as a master artist in the Guild of Saint Luke and established his won workshop.Many doesn't know, Florentine court records show that dad Vinci was charged with and acquitted of sodomy's at the age of 22, and for two years, his whereabouts went entirely undocumented. In 1482, Leonardo left Florence for Milan, where he became official artist to Ladylove Sports, duke of the city. Leonardo undertook many projects in that time period. Leonardo remained with Sports until the latter's fall from power in 1499, after which he returned to Florence. S ketches and written records indicate that Leonardo worked as a sculptor, but no examples minded.Only about a dozen of paintings can be definitely attributed to him, and several are left unfinished. There are hundreds of drawings and thousands of pages from his notebook that testify to the man being an extraordinary genius. He was many things, writer, mathematician, inventor, and artist. Leonardo dad Vinci was a leading artist and intellectual of the Italian Renaissance who's known for his enduring works â€Å"The Last Supper†and â€Å"Mona Lisa. †The Mona Lisa is perhaps Leonardo Dad Vine's most famous of paintings. It is an oil painting, painted on poplar DOD.The painting is most famous for the smile of the woman, which people have been trying to decipher for a long time. Many believe that the portrait is that of Dad Vinci himself, while many also place a lot mystic connections with this painting. The portrait depicts a woman's bust, with a distant landscape that is visible in the backdrop. Leonardo used a pyramid design to install the woman in a simple and calm manner within the painting. The woman is shown with her hands folded, with her breast, neck, and face painted the same color as her hands.The light is diffused so that the various curves and geometrical shapes on the painting are made visible through it. Perhaps the most interesting thing about the painting is the woman's smile. Many believe that it is innocent and inviting; while others believe it is that of smugness and is a smirk. Many scientific studies have been undertaken to determine the exact nature of the smile and the real reason remains a mystery. It is believed that every person sees the smile differently because of the changes in the lighting hat Leonardo presented.The woman is shown seated in an open area, and behind her is a vast landscape, which recedes to an icy mountain. Some winding paths and a faraway bridge is also perceptible in the background. The painting is an amazing one and one should definitely take a look at it in order to appreciate its full beauty. The painting is currently on display at the Muse du Louvre, in Paris. The Mona Lisa by Leonardo dad Vinci contains many elements and principles of art in its beautiful and â€Å"ideal†portrait.This piece of art was completed in 1519 and is the prototype of the Renaissance portrait. There are many forms of elements in this piece such as line, color, texture, shape, and value. There are also some principles of art; emphasis, digital movement, harmony and balance. Leonardo dad Vinci uses all of these elements and principles in The Mona Lisa which make it such an important contribution to the world of art. Leonardo dad Vinci has shown us many forms of elements in this famous piece such as line, color, texture, shape, and value.There is the element line used in this piece of art to show implied outlines. These are found on The Mona Alias's hands which creates a texture. Another element is color. Although the colors are dull, red, yellow, and blue are used throughout the piece to add color, and balance. It looks like Leonardo dad Vinci the colors to blend from red to yellow, and finally blue in the background. Texture is the degree of roughness and smoothness in an object and is shown in the Mona Lisa through her clothing. Bibliography: Living With Art 10th edition Mark Getting pig. 143
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