Saturday, December 28, 2019
Finding False Memories Of The Mall - 1446 Words
Texperiences. Some people might argue that getting lost in the mall is too common of an experience to demonstrate false memories. For this argument, Hyman et al. constructed an experiment to show the occurrence of false memories in less that common childhood events including spilling punch at a wedding and a sprinkler system going off a at grocery store. For one variation of this study, Hyman et al. implanted the memory of an overnight hospitalization with a high fever, and possible ear infection. The participants were told they were going to be asked about events from their childhood based on information provided by their parents. They were then given the titles of the events (including the false visit to the hospital) and asked to†¦show more content†¦Some ideas in the field include looking at the response speed of the recollection of memories, and the emotion felt when recalling the memory (Reisberg). A common assumption is that the confidence with which memory is recalled could indic ate its accuracy. However, there is very little association with how sure someone is about the occurrence of an event and how accurate their recollection is. We are often sure of our false memories. Smith, Ellsworth, and Kassin explain this in their study on Eyewitness Accuracy and Confidence. They note that most officials in court cases overwhelmingly believe confidence in eyewitness testimony to be positively correlated with accuracy. To disprove this, they studied about 100 undergraduate students from Stanford University. They had the students watch a car accident, participate in a filler task, and then answer questions about the car accident. They were asked to rate the confidence on their answers on a scale of 1 (no clue) to 10 (absolutely sure). The researchers then computed the correlation of accuracy and confidence and found the same conclusion as Reisberg explained: confidence can not be solid an indicator of accuracy (Smith 358). In fact, the more we are asked to recall a memory, the more confident we become, which is unfortunate because it s easy to create a false memory. Let us take anShow MoreRelatedThe Car Crash Study By Loftus And Palmer1179 Words  | 5 Pages The Car Crash Study was done in 1974 by Loftus and Palmer that was aimed to test their theory that the language used in an eyewitness testimonies can alter the eyewitness’s memory of the event. They got 45 American students and showed them 7 films of traffic accidents, ranging from 5 to 30 seconds, in a random order. Afterwards the subjects were asked to describe what happened as if they were at the accident. 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